Christmas Booth Display
Hello everyone. I have two big open houses on the same night this season so I'm running amuck trying to get as many holiday items in both locations as fast as I can. Of course, they need to have an appealing look to entice folks into my booths. I got started this weekend on my larger space at Queen of Hearts and after a lot of restructuring of pieces, got quite a lot of inventory in. Still, I have lots more to place as I like to have a really filled booth during these open houses.
A glass case filled and a farm table loaded with items.
The perfect gowns for the "new moon" movie to premiere next week are hanging in the corner.
I am crazy about this old farm table with its layers and layers of old paint. Neat little drawer in the center has original metal knob that is delightfully bent. I wonder how many home cooked meals were served on this table?
This week, I add more to my Vintage Village booth. Will be drawing for my 100th post this weekend with the winner announced on Monday. You may still leave a comment to enter into the 100th post giveaway. Have a wonderful Tuesday. Sea Witch