New Moon team Edward or team Jacob?
New Moon
Ya Twillight series has already hit the big screen in US premiere in Los Angeles.....although i'm not a twillight fans (the movie or the novel) but i think i can ''slightly'' talk about it (i know nothing about twllight, a lil outdated?).
I think this question has been ask so many times before. So i guess i can ''participate'' too. Team Edward or Team Jacob???
Edward is the vampire gang by Robert Pattison and Jacob is the werewolf gang....this is all i know about twillight and something like Bell got ''dumped'' by Edward (i think he's too cold for Bell), so in New moon this movie, Jacob take care of her and something happen but in the end Bell is going back to Edward. Too bad....i think the storyline is some sort like this if i'm wrong please correct me because i'm not really familiar with Twillight.
I think this question has been ask so many times before. So i guess i can ''participate'' too. Team Edward or Team Jacob???
Edward is the vampire gang by Robert Pattison and Jacob is the werewolf gang....this is all i know about twillight and something like Bell got ''dumped'' by Edward (i think he's too cold for Bell), so in New moon this movie, Jacob take care of her and something happen but in the end Bell is going back to Edward. Too bad....i think the storyline is some sort like this if i'm wrong please correct me because i'm not really familiar with Twillight.

Team Jacob? Hot Bods....
So which team i'll choose? I think i'll prefer Team Jacob, because i think Werewolf is cooler than vampire, and honestly i'm not really interested in either Edward or robert pattison (no offend) but as well as Taylor Lautner. Moreover, Jacob (taylor lautner) has a more masculine body in New moon. Taylor Lautner works really hard on that but of course not as much as Hugh Jackman did in Wolverine...(That is REALLY masculine). And is it team Jacob is more humanize? I don't know....
So i'm using an identity which are not a Twillight fans to comment on this question....
I guess i need to sometimes follow up the ''trends'' although this is not something i really want to post, haha. Maybe if they involve robert downey jr in the Eclipse, most probably i 'll watch Twillight. Then Downey will be a sexy vampire....or Twillight (dreaming again...).
(PS : Vote for RIH!!! Sexiest Man alive just on the right hand side of the blog)