Robert Downey jr is going to RETIRED???
Oh, it's way too early......for Robert downey jr!!!
Well, he not really saying that he want to retired but only saying that he want to have his lives with his wife Susan Levin (a director...COOL) probably it will be good if he planning on having baby. Maybe trying to be a full time family man....whoa, cool!!!

But Mr. Downey seems to ''forget'' he's having some ''big project'' in his hands. Movie franchise like Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes sure can ''drag'' him for 5 to 7 years to go busying being Mr. Tony Stark as well as Holmes. Upcoming movie The an ''inevitable'' movie for Downey as well. And how if it is another franchise. Plus he's been ''nominated'' as the most anticipated actor to act on Spielberg upcoming hits Harvey Remake. Comedy ''due date''....and etc....So, Downey if you're really want to retired probably will happen only the earliest after 10 years from now. We NEED you in the movie big screen....
Oh ya, not to forget to mention...Downey get the fifth place in Sexiext Man Alive of People magazine. Congrats!!! I know you can make it!!!!

Okay, so finally just want to talk about Pirates of the Carribean 4 that Johnny Depp seems like not really interested in doing it. If...i say if Johnny Depp is really not doing it, and Jerry Bruckheimer, PLEASE don't find another one replace Captain Jack Sparrow (no one can replace him) but I'm HIGHLY RECOMMEND that robert downey jr is suit for the POTC role. He can make every character interesting. Maybe a brand new captain for Downey!!! I'll like to see him as a pirates but of course last but not least.....Johnny Depp is the only reason i'm watching POTC series. Captain Sparrow, let's join with the team to look for the fountain of youth...
(PS : Pls vote for RIH!!! Sexiest man alive just on the right hand side of this blog....whether you are a RDJ or Johnny Depp fans.)