dive into your life! This child will be covered in leaves rich in autumn's colors and he will emerge laughing, shaking off a few leaves and will dive in all over again. Can you think of any better metaphor for life?

This photo makes me smile in a big way. What memories it invokes of my dad raking leaves into piles all over the yard (no blowers back then) and then
pretending like he didn't want his three daughters messing them up by diving into them. We would laugh and giggle and roll around in them until our
hair was full of nature. Dad would pretend to grumble that we wrecked his work and he would have to rake them all over again...always making a bigger and deeper pile for us to jump back into.
Even God's four-leggeds know a good time when they see it.

Go, find a pile of leaves and
send nature fluttering all around you. Have a wonderful Monday. Sea Witch