French Grunt Header

I was going through some of the underwater shots I took in Cancun last December when I pulled up this particular image of a French Grunt.  This was a shot that was unplanned.   I was doing a deco stop before my final ascent to the boat when I saw this lone, French Grunt swimming next to a large coral head.  The fish was a good 20 feet from me so I used the zoom feature to bring it in closer.  However, when using the zoom underwater, you often get highly distorted photos unless you utilize an external flash unit.  I do not have an external flash (too cost prohibitive at this time) so it was a shoot and pray shot.  When I uploaded the photo, I was delighted to see the painterly effect the photo had. 

 The grainy image of the grunt and the tiny coral polyps in the background looks like the Pointillist technique used by late, 19th century Impressionists such as Seurat and Cross.

The Eiffel Tower - Seurat - 1889

Beach on the Mediterranean - Cross - 1891

Technically, this would be a photo you would toss away, but artistically, I think it is a keeper because of its abstract look.  Besides, I think it lends itself beautifully as a Sea Witch header.  Have a lovely Friday all.  Sea Witch

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