Pretty Easter Things at Vintage Village
I'm trying to talk myself into why I "need this" Victorian quad plate chocolate pot.
Sweet little peeps and glitter spring eggs.
So many pretty things, it is hard to choose just one item.
I hope everyone had a lovely weekend as well. Glad to be back and in the thick of things again and I look forward to checking out everyone's blogs and catching up on all of the news. Actually, I just remembered, I have a question for those who have etsy shops. I noticed that "public domain" downloads for vintage patterns are offered on etsy. Is there anyone who can tell me if you are selling these downloads made from public domain patterns? I came across a huge assortment of public domain crochet and tatted booklets and I was thinking of doing the same. Don't want to spend a lot of time scanning and compiling these for download if they move slowly or not at all. As always, I appreciate your input. Blessings and warm spring nights to everyone. Sea Witch
Not so Ho-Hum Hummmingbirds
This was a post from a while ago, but what the heck, a classic is always in style, and I am beginning to have visits from these lovely creatures in my backyard again.
Many a seemingly complicated drawing project is really simple if you just break it down into steps. When teaching a lesson, I always start with a black line coloring book style drawing. Most details and color blending is done as the last steps in a project, but tends to get seen first and can distract you from finding the "bones" of the drawing. I obviously used a still picture to do this project and drawing from life is much more challenging, but the principle is the same. Practicing gesture drawing in quick sketches is the best way to get the structure of your drawing and then go back and add details later.
This blackline came from the Jan Brett website and is available as a free coloring page.
I tried to break this down into manageable pieces without making too many steps.
If you find it confusing, just try to break it down into even smaller steps. What does a shape look like to you? Do you see a triangle or maybe a Hershey Kiss. Do you see a sideways letter C or maybe a rainbow or happy face? Making those kind of connections is what turns you into an artist, not simply following someone else's steps.
The finished hummingbird at the top of this post was completed with watercolor pencil and white oil pastel for highlights.
Below you will find some images of real hummingbirds to reference for color ideas.
Tekken movie trailer....
Everyone knows Tekken as long as you play video games or someone who don't play video games. One of the most succesful fighting games that ever produced.
Everyone never expect the movie will be great whenever a games is made into a movie because there is none of the game ever made a good movie. Same goes to Tekken the movie. I've been playing Tekken from tekken 1 to 6. And when this movie came out. I gotta say that it is sooooo "Disappointing".
Looks at the original Jin Kazama and the Jin in the movie. They've ruin his image!!! Oh my god! And games always got the attention of gamers but look at the trailer, it's like, the storyline is bored and the character is.......*speechless* Trailer is important for a movie which the exciting part to attract the audience. But no.....I don't think I'm going to watch this movie. (sorry to said that , I'm a big fans of Tekken and it's not what I expect. Where is Hwaorang???)

A Sea Witch in Vicenza
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