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Giorgio Armani Attitude Extreme

This newly launch fragrance from Giorgio Armani smell so ''attracting''. Probably you guys should check it out about this fragrance.

I would probably want my men to have this fragrance then i would probably stick with him for the whole day long, smell so good and nice ....

A lil ''charm'' fragrance....Love it!!!

(PS : PLS vote for RIH!!! Sexiest man alive poll on the right hand side of this blog...)


Aftermath isn't that bad at all....

Yes, i'm freakin' love this song Aftermath by...? Glambert is the man!!! Love the lyrics...that's what i need.

At first i thought this is by Daughtry, because the beginning sounds a little alike to him. However enjoy this song.

(Lyrics is posted below the video....check it out)

Have you lost your way?
Livin’ in the shadow of the message that you made
And so it goes
Everything inside your circle starts to overflow
Take a step before you leap
Into the colours that you seek
You give back what you give away
So don’t look back on yesterday

Wanna scream out
No more hiding
Don’t be afraid of what’s inside
Gonna tell ya you’ll be alright
In the Aftermath
Anytime anybody pulls you down
Anytime anybody says you’re not allowed
Just remember you are not alone
In the Aftermath

You feel the weight
Of lies and contradictions that you live with every day
It’s not too late
Think of what could be if you rewrite the role you play
Take a step before you leap
Into the colours that you seek
You give back what you give away
So don’t look back on yesterday
Wanna scream out
No more hiding
Don’t be afraid of what’s inside
Gonna tell ya you’ll be alright
In the Aftermath

Before you break you have to change your own mind
Take a trip and fall into the pit
Tell a stranger that their view is full
So all you feel is love love
All you feel is love love

American Music Awards 2009

What it's all about for this year American music award? Controversy of course!!! Glambert steals the shows!!!

Ya, our Diva Mr. Glambert has received over 1500 complaints after his performance on the show.....Sigh. Actually i've been expecting on his performance, those glam and a lil' ''naughty'' stage performance but i never thought it will ended up with R-rated to the audiences.

Let's not talk about the contro first. Well taylor swift has swept away 5 awards in AMA...(Wow, shouldn't you left some for the others?), MJ did won 4 awards too....Rascal Flatts won AGAIN for Best country band, they did look a bit ''numb'' when they go on stage to get the awards....ya, of course, 4 years in a row, they must be like : ''What? Okay who takes home the awards this year? There are only 3 members in rascal flatts.''But i can see that they are getting huge and huge....in their music industry as well as em...body shape, even Joe Don did look a bit ''cute''. BEP won best pop group, Green day won best alternative pop.

Shakira didn't look like the shakira i know before, maybe the hair color?

Boom Boom Pow!!! Fergie looking good!!!

Gary : '' So now we decide to have voting to decide this 4th AMA to put at whose house?''
Joe Don : '' Ya, you just take it, i don't mind....''
Jay : ''Em...how about me?''

Last but not least!!!! Keith Urban finally won something, best male country artist of the year!!! Hooray!!! Like what keith said : '' I never won anything with nicole beside me...'' (no hidden meaning okay....) I'm really proud of him that's why he's top the darling list right now. After that, he performed Kiss A Girl. Janet jackson, Shakira, Jay-Z, Alicia keys, BEP and Daughtry also performs. No doubt Daughtry performance is cool!!! They're live performance guarantee. They rocks!!! Oh ya, forget to mentioned that Keith got a new tattoo for me!!!! Okay okay, not for me....i think it's for Sunday is it? Something like a sun on his chest, let me see clearer....hehe.

AMA potrait photo shooting

Finally, Glambert, oh what've you done??? Let's make it short. He involved oral sex (just stimulating the act) , kissing a male dancer and showing middle finger. Now you know why so many complaints on him...Let's not talk about the complaints. I would rather talks about his performance. Honestly, recently i can't get my ear off Glambert new song For your entertainment which is the song he performs in AMA. So i'm like expecting something from him....but, i mean although it is a debut performance from him after AI, he really have to work out for his stamina. His performance is a lil shaky and not as glam as i thought. I think probably he need to get some advice from Gaga that lady and probably madonna or Gwen Stefani. However, his high notes still as stable as usual.

Just wonder why bon jovi isn't invited to AMA since their new album is released....

So here's end 2009 AMA....

Now that's a delicatession

Had to make a run to the local supermarket for a few Thanksgiving "staples". Kerry, the twins and I spent hours walking through this fantastic supermarket, but it was the deli that brought me to my knees. I'm New Jersey born and raised and had local butcher shops, milk men, bakeries and deli's all around me. I have had the great fortune to live and visit many places across the US and overseas and presently residing in Georiga...all have introduced me to the flavor that makes each unique, but it is the deli's and the bakeries that I miss most of all. Walking into this store was like coming home. I didn't know which way to turn first.
Supermarket in Vicenza...yes, that is the delicatessen area. Be still my heart.

Case after case of meats, cheeses, olives, salads, ready to eat meals.

Fresh Vegies, beautiful and fresh.

Braids of garlic.

Fresh, ripe and red tomatoes. These are the size of baseballs.

It's all big in Italy. Check out the size of that salami...so big,they needed a dolly to move it.

So many wonderful cheeses to select from.

Fresh wheels of aged cheeses.

Fresh pizza pies for the lunch crowd.

Couldn't resist a slice and a coke.

The twins sleeping as we check boots out at the local shoe store.

Mommy feeding the twins.

Sweet Kit Kat greeting me at the airport. This sweet girl holds my heart in her hands.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Sea Witch

Magic tricks REMAKE!!!

Actually this few days i've been surfing the net watching magic trick performed by different magician (doing some stupid stuff while my final exam is coming, i'll say that i'm relaxing myself).

I've re-watch the statue of liberty tricks that performed by David Copperfield. Well, i really can't figure out how it is done. I think that David Copperfield is really cool and the reason why is he so famous because no other magician dare to take risks on trying new tricks at that time and all that his tricks is really stunning.

The main point of today article is actually write for Cyril, the rising star......i mean magician. I've watch his Cyril : Simply magic show, so i got a few ideas for him.

The first one is his burger tricks.....I just wonder when he's in Malaysia why don't he trying to do it on nasi lemak. I mean pull a nasi lemak out of the menu....haha that will be cool. I mean this is more ''fitted'' to a Malaysian. We get used to nasi lemak right?

The second one is he able to grab the water and change into syilling during his visit to Singapore. So how about when doing the teh tarik trick (''pulling'' the tea from one glass to another glass, this is NOT a magic trick) then change the teh tarik into syilling? Whoa, another impressive trick, haha. If Cyril really did this, i can say he is better that the David Blaine trick where he change a cup of coffee to sylling. I think that one is one of my favourite trick so far.

The third one will be the polo mint trick that he perform, i think Cyril's version is much more better than the others that i've watch before. You should check it out although when he performing that trick during the singapore interview, the hosts seems like not really impress, haha, that part is really funny. Actually at first i feel the same too, but something that he did is different from the others. Oh ya, forgot to say that....Cyril, why don't you try this trick on doughnut....??? I mean it will be kinda cool because he may get to be a advertise person for Krispy Kreme, Big Apple or J.Co. Mutual benefits right?

And last one the switching of chicken rice into asam laksa is really IMPRESS me! I want to learn that (I know it is impossible).Don't know why? I feel like i want to perform this trick to my grandma....Don't know how she will react, probably she will yelled at me ''Switch back to rice!!!'' Haha. How about next time you come to Malaysia switch Durian to Cempedak? Maybe you can keep the Durian the same but the content inside switch to cempedak. If he really did all of this, i'll....fainted haha. I really don't know what to say.

My mum say she want to send me to magic academy (of course i know she's kidding...=='') since i've been addicted to magic trick again (don't worry, i will go to ''rehab'' by myself). But i don't think i can be a magician because my palm is not qualify, too small!!! It's hard to perform a trick except i practice over and over again.

Jetting to Vincenza to see grandchildren

Dear friends, I am writing this from Gate D in the Charlotte Douglas Airport as I wait for my flight to Frankfort, Germany and then on to Venice, Italy to spend Thanksgiving with my son, his lovely wife, and their three ravioli's...my grandchildren.

This is an unexpected pleasure as my son and his wife decided (out of the blue) to send me a ticket to come visit them in Vincenza, Italy for Thanksgiving holiday.

As many of you know, I have recently become the grandma-ma of twins two months ago. This double addition to the family has been a blessing and a joy. The only difficult part is they are so far away so I can only see my raviolis from the webcam or pictures in email.

To be able to hold them in my arms and then play with Kit Kat as we craft and glitter and bake away is the best possible world a grandmother could ever want.

So, look for future postings over the next few days about my adventures in Vincenza with the delightful grandchildren and their wonderful mother and father. Enjoy your weekend. Sea Witch

Open House - Vintage Village

My first Open House, this season, was at Vintage Village, the coziest shop in metro Atlanta. Vintage Village is a lovely place to shop for antiques and vintage items along with great altered art pieces and materials and unique gift items. What makes Vintage Village unique is the people inside...genuine and warm, our dealers are like family and it all comes together during events like these. I hope you enjoy the photos below and if you would like to see more, click on this LINK.

Thank you for stopping by to visit. My next posting will feature my second open house at Queen of Hearts. Sea Witch

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