A $2.02 frame from Goodwill.
Add can of satin finish black spray paint,
add a craft sponge,

and a little bit of white acrylic paint.

...and wait until tomorrow to see its transformation.
Add can of satin finish black spray paint,
add a craft sponge,
and a little bit of white acrylic paint.
...and wait until tomorrow to see its transformation.
I have been using my summer time to scan the internet and look up art projects in books so we can have fresh projects for this next year. I have been inspired by many sites that give detailed instructions on how to complete projects at home. I have decided to do the same. Hopefully by doing this I won't be giving you a reason not to come to art class.
Today we studied Alexander Calder. You can learn more about him in the artist of the week section. He was the inventor of the mobile. He also created sculptures he called stabiles. The first moved, the latter didn't.
So the project went like this...
Styrofoam block
stem wire or pipe cleaners
needle nose pliers
paper or foam shapes.
Check out pictures of Calder's work. Give these parameters...
You may use two pieces of wire.
You may use no more than 3 different colors of paper or foam.
You can use no more than 2 different types of shapes, but you can repeat them in both a positive and negative way(ie: circle and heart, can be repeated with a circle cut out of a heart of vice-versa)
Have children plan their sculpture by drawing it out first. They can even practice with string. Once the wire is bent, it is really hard to get straight again, so string is a good way to practice how to get the feel of bending the wire.
Good elements to stress here are contour lines and how the wire is very much a line, but instead of drawing with the line we have to shape it.
Have the children anchor their sculpture in the styrofoam base. They must work out engineering and balance so that their sculptures do not tip over to one side or the other.
The younger kids had a great time with this project. They seemed to flow with the freedom and fun in this assignment. The older kids got a little frustrated with it. I think they thought it looked easier than it really was.
When it is deemed finished, you can paint the Styrofoam base or cover it with paper or cloth to match the colors used in the sculpture. Below are two samples that I completed.
I adore vintage clothing and have been collecting and wearing it for over 2 decades now. This Hugh Hefner type smoking robe is wonderful.
Lovely Post Civil War settee. Rare Pecan wood. Great Southern piece. Circa 1860s
Bird cage with crows. You can never be too ready for Halloween.
Kaitlyn wearing her Disney princess house dress and trying on her Aunt Renee's peep toe, leopard pattern pumps in the Bahamas.
The shell features are completely symmetrical and have equal sized valves giving it the apearance of a perfect heart, which makes this such a popular shell to find. They can be the purest of white or tan stripped. Cockles, like scallops, are filter feeders and act as little Brita filters for the environment as well.
Let us also not forget this lovely idiom in our language “warms the cockles of my heart.” Yes, the emotion or feeling of warming one’s innermost being. This expression turns up first in the middle of the seventeenth century, and that the earliest form of the idiom was "rejoice the cockles of one’s heart. "
Did this have its origins in the shape or what is contained inside the shell? Who knows. I just know that cockles are a type of bivalve mollusk and were once a staple part of the diet for the coastal communities of the British Kingdom. Fat free and high in protein, the meat of the cockle will truly warm your heart.
Read more...Jeff Chang, one of my favourite male singer because not much male have such a soft and nice voice like him. Recent listen to his song.....this song one of my past favourite. Enjoy the song, the storyline is sad too.
A bubble wrapped package and pretty wrapped package. Which do I open first?
I decide to open the pretty wrapped package first and inside was a sweet door hanger that Ana had created just for me. My blog name and a seahorse in Caribbean waters blue and green. I adore Seahorses, Sea dragons and jellies (jelly fish) so this pretty little door hanger is a wonderful gift for a Sea Witch. I think I will bring it to our little sailboat in the Bahamas and put it on the berth door.
Extraordinary antique french cameo headpiece (1860s.)
Cameo jewelry was incredibly popular during the Victorian era, approximately 1837 - 1901. As one of Queen Elizabeth's favorite types of jewelry, the popularity of the cameo naturally coincides with her reign. This era is also when the profile, rather than other designs became the most popular style for cameos.
Owned by the Sea Witch and worn often (1890s).
Cameos and cameo jewelry are treasures meant to be passed on from one generation to another. Cameos require special care and cleaning to keep them as beautiful as when first acquired and especially old cameo pieces. Shell and coral cameos in particular need a beauty regimen as they are prone to discoloration and cracking from drying as they age. To prevent the color-change and discoloration they need to be moisturized a couple of times of year with baby or mineral oil. Just apply the oil with your finger or soft-cotton swab and let it sit overnight. In the morning, wipe any remaining oil from the cameo with a soft fabric cloth--DO NOT use a paper towel. DO NOT wash the excess oil off or the moisturizing effect of the oil will be washed away also. Moisturize or rehydrate your cameos twice or year and each time after cleaning them. If your cameo needs cleaning, use a jewelry cleaner that is safe for cleaning pearls. Pearls, coral and shells are all porous materials so your cleaner must be gentle or it will destroy the cameo.
So check your jewel boxes for cameos and wear them, love them and show them off. They will always increase in value whether monetary or sentimental. (if you are interested in more information on the cameos I have shown for sale, please send me an email)