Dog Gone It Toto!
The afterschool program where I teach has been working on a Reader's Theater all about the Wizard of Oz. I thought this could be a great launching pad for art projects that integrate with the curriculum a bit. The above is our version of Toto. This particular project has several artistic influences, including Origami, Ed Emberly, and Eric Carle.
I started out by making some beautiful painted paper in the style of Eric Carle, though you could use origami paper or just plain construction paper as well. The important thing is to have at least three different colors and or textures. There is a great painted paper tutorial over at
Teach Kids Art.
Start with three circles the same size and a square.
Keep the first circle whole. Cut the second in half, and the third into eighths as shown.
I started out by making some beautiful painted paper in the style of Eric Carle, though you could use origami paper or just plain construction paper as well. The important thing is to have at least three different colors and or textures. There is a great painted paper tutorial over at
Teach Kids Art.
Start with three circles the same size and a square.
Keep the first circle whole. Cut the second in half, and the third into eighths as shown.
Then follow the directions as shown below for placement.
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