It came in the mail.
My honey said, there is a box on the counter for you. It came in the mail today. I wasn't expecting anything, but WAIT! Could it be, I think it may be....YES YES YES, my Pay It Forward from Ana of "A Petite Cottage ( I'm feeling like a Sea Witch at Christmas and can't wait to open the box, but I must grab my camera and take photos as this is part of the Pay It Forward rules.
A bubble wrapped package and pretty wrapped package. Which do I open first?
I decide to open the pretty wrapped package first and inside was a sweet door hanger that Ana had created just for me. My blog name and a seahorse in Caribbean waters blue and green. I adore Seahorses, Sea dragons and jellies (jelly fish) so this pretty little door hanger is a wonderful gift for a Sea Witch. I think I will bring it to our little sailboat in the Bahamas and put it on the berth door.
Now, if you would like to participate in the Pay It Forward Project, just leave a comment about this posting. The first three posters will be my next Pay It Forward recipients. Remember, you must have a blog so I can read postings to learn a little about you. This way I will know what to create just for you. Be sure to include your email address so I can contact you just before I am ready to ship your package. Upon receipt of your package post pics of what your received, add the Pay It Forward button below and wait for three comments and you too can be a part of the Pay It Forward project.

Have a wonderful day everyone and be kind to each other.
Sea Witch