Shell Cameos

Extraordinary antique french cameo headpiece (1860s.)
Cameo jewelry was incredibly popular during the Victorian era, approximately 1837 - 1901. As one of Queen Elizabeth's favorite types of jewelry, the popularity of the cameo naturally coincides with her reign. This era is also when the profile, rather than other designs became the most popular style for cameos.
This deep relief, angel skin cameo is also highly detailed with grapes and grape leaves in her hair and a strand of pearls at her neck. Angel skin is not a shell but a pale pink coral and is one of the most sought after most expensive shell cameo types.
High relief, this angel skin cameo has the palest of pink backgrounds. Circa 1900s (I Need This, Antiques - $160.00)
Owned by the Sea Witch and worn often (1890s).
Cameos and cameo jewelry are treasures meant to be passed on from one generation to another. Cameos require special care and cleaning to keep them as beautiful as when first acquired and especially old cameo pieces. Shell and coral cameos in particular need a beauty regimen as they are prone to discoloration and cracking from drying as they age. To prevent the color-change and discoloration they need to be moisturized a couple of times of year with baby or mineral oil. Just apply the oil with your finger or soft-cotton swab and let it sit overnight. In the morning, wipe any remaining oil from the cameo with a soft fabric cloth--DO NOT use a paper towel. DO NOT wash the excess oil off or the moisturizing effect of the oil will be washed away also. Moisturize or rehydrate your cameos twice or year and each time after cleaning them. If your cameo needs cleaning, use a jewelry cleaner that is safe for cleaning pearls. Pearls, coral and shells are all porous materials so your cleaner must be gentle or it will destroy the cameo.
So check your jewel boxes for cameos and wear them, love them and show them off. They will always increase in value whether monetary or sentimental. (if you are interested in more information on the cameos I have shown for sale, please send me an email)