Girlfriends, Mexi and Time

Yes!!! It's Friday and time for girlfriend fun. One of our co-workers was unfortunately let go a few months back due to the failing economy, but she is just too cool not to keep in touch with. So we are taking her for a birthday girls night out at our local Mexi haunt and we are going to stoke up on Margarita's, great food, better gossip, and just lots of fun. She loves fashion jewelry and especially long necklaces in earth/autumn tones, so I whipped this up for her last evening.

I love the copper tones mixed with dyed shell elements, some really cool looking circle thingees, and key lime and brandy colored crystals.
This is a long necklace so it can be wrapped around your neck twice for a shorter and layered length as well. I liked the way it turned out so much, I may have to make one for me.

...and speaking of ME! I have always worn wind up watches...never been a fan of those new fangled, battery operated ones. I rather enjoy the sound of a ticking watch. Now, I would like to say that this idea was all mine, but I must give credit where it is due. I was inspired by the work of "Etsy" artistians STEAMPUNK. They do marvelous things with watch parts/pieces and I thought, why not using vintage watch heads that no longer work as beads and add a working watch head and there you have a really cool bracelet watch.

Of course, my favorite thing about this is that I could re purpose nonworking vintage watches into something usable. These sweet little vintage ladies watch heads have great line, design and pretty little elements such as deco numerals, diamond chips, interesting crystals and hands, and all kinds of little flourishes. The finished bracelet also has a wonderful weight to it as well.

(I hate to throw gadgets away, you know there just had to be another life in them somewhere).

So now I'm on a re purposed vintage watch face into bracelets kick and will be making these over the weekend. So, do you just love it or what!!!

Have a wonderful, creative, joyful, and full of laughter weekend.

My Ping in

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