White Shell Wednesday

I know, I know, it is after Labor Day and all things wearably white should be retired according to fashion etiquette. However, I just couldn't resist this terrific photo of a summer purse decorated with mostly white sea shells.

Pretty little pearlized handles with natural sea shells and coral, this is such a sweet little vintage purse that I find purely joyful. Decorated with assorted size cockle shells, spiral snail shells, tiny pieces of fan coral, a few sliced periwinkles, lots of faux pearls and let's not forget the plastic mint green leaf glued to it. Not sure what the decorating thought was behind that touch but it is in keeping with "bags my grandmother living in Florida would carry." hahahahaha.

When you look at the wicker purse, it really is an easy item to decorate and now I'm wondering if I should be looking for these wicker purses at yard sales and Goodwill's to decorate myself. I have tons of shells (you would expect nothing less from a Sea Witch) and would enjoy embellishing these bags over the winter season for summer sale. I think I may have just talked myself into yet another project.

September is almost over, thanks for stopping by, and I wish everyone a pretty white shell Wednesday. Sea Witch

The Gallery- Blog Carnival of Art Projects for Kids Edition #2

Welcome to the October 1, 2009
edition of
"The Gallery"
Art Lessons and Projects for Kids.

Our very first issue had four wonderful contributions. This time around the baby has grown (much like my real baby) to eleven contributions!
In honor of the similarities the theme of this carnival is
"The Baby Edition".

Kris Correira presents Solubility, Capillary Action, Math, and Art posted at At Home Science.This looks like such a fun project and pretty simple too! Even those of us who are science challenged should not be afraid to attempt.

Jimmie presents Make or Draw a Giraffe posted at Jimmie's Collage.
This is a neat online project that we participated in. Giraffes can be drawings, paintings, 3D crafts, anything! A great theme for your next project and a great way for children to see their art displayed online. .

Jimmie always finds the coolest things around the web! Even if I know she hasn't posted something new, I always check her tagfoot steps to see what new goodies she has located. This was a real gem and inspired this next submission.

Julie presents Giraffe Scratch here at Miss Julie's Place. Here is an additional art lesson to accompany all the giraffe fun that Jimmie found.

Jessica presents Create Your Own Picasso Painted Collage
posted at Art Smarts 4 Kids
For those of you who aren't familiar with Jessica's blog, it is time to get so. Jessica has complied an extensive resource of art history and projects that could keep an art teacher or home school going for a long time. This particular project is very simple, but has a high impact both visually and educationally.

Angie in GA presents a trio of lessons at The One Thing: Art Lesson #6 The Art of Kandinsky and the use of Lines posted at TheOneThing.

Giotto Inspired Art Lesson posted at TheOneThing and

The One Thing: ART LESSON posted at TheOneThing.

Angie's blog was new to me, but I sure am glad to have found her. She really approaches her lessons from a Charlotte Mason philosophy and she and her boys have ended up with some pretty impressive projects.

Dana presents Henri Matisse & Icarus posted at school for us, saying, "I loved the first edition of this carnival and thought I'd share a previous post." Dana and her daughter seem to be having so much fun in their home school! Be sure to pop over there and join in. The Lego video of Daedalus and Icarus is definitely worth the trip!

Tisha Smith presents ART with Mrs. Smith: palm tree posted at ART with Mrs. Smith, saying, "This is one of my favorite lessons because we all love the fantasy of tropical sunsets and it's so fun to hear kids talk about the colors in the sky when the sun sets."
I wish I had been in Mrs. Smith's art class when I was in elementary school!

Debra presents Bb is for... posted at Ryan & Debra Snow Family. What a great project for the younger kids. Like Debra, seeing the kids work area or palette is almost as much fun as seeing their completed work!

Barb has another great site and it's not just for art either. Be sure to check it all out, but start with this fabulous project...

Barb presents Great American Artists For Kids: Tiffany Glass Project posted at Harmony Art Mom, Barb says,
Thanks for hosting this great carnival and I look forward to seeing the next edition.

Thanks to you Barb for submitting this great project and to everyone else as well!

Until our next appointment, have fun creating with all these great ideas!

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
the gallery, the next deadline is October 27th.
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

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This past week we learned about Austrian artist Gustav Klimt. If you know Klimt's work, you may think that not an appropriate choice for a kids class. For the most part, I would agree, but he does have several family friendly pieces and his contribution to the art world is still significant. Not to mention he is one of my favorite artists. Though his life was not one we Christians can admire for his high morals, he had few, his work is still exceptionally beautiful. He used a lot of gold in his paintings, being the son of an engraver helped him to become an expert at the gold leaf process.
For this project you will need examples of Klimt's work. Allposters.com is a good resource. There is even a children's book called Klimt and His Cat by Berenice Capatti and illustrated by Octavia Monaco.

The narrator is the cat and Klimt's world is seen through its eyes. It is in no way a complete biography but it is a kid-friendly way to introduce this particularly controversial artist. There is some nudity in the book, so be prepared. I take no shame in my censorship and placed post it notes over questionable images. I also did not let kids view the book on their own so they could not "peek".

Materials needed:
Print or photo of Gustav Klimt's "The tree of life".

Metallic gel markers (we used Prang, purchased at WalMart)
Black or other dark toned paper (pastel paper would be good, but I used scrapbook paper)
oil pastels(brown and black)

1. Have kids decide whether their composition will be vertical or horizontal.

2. Once they decide this then they should find the middle of their page on the bottom edge. Just to the left of this have them draw a curved line with a metallic gold or silver marker that starts at the bottom edge of the page and ends in a spiral. Have them move to the right a bit and repeat this curve in the opposite direction, still ending in a spiral.

3. In the middle of these two curves they should draw a "V" shape. This will create a tree trunk.

4. Now the kids get to make their tree grow. Continue to have them add spiral branches, some growing from the first spirals moving outward and some moving upward until they have just about filled the page. Encourage kids to make some spirals larger and some smaller, some going right and some left. Hopefully they will leave some room though as there are lots more details to add.

(note)There is a lot of detail to this project, so younger kids or ones who aren't into art that much may benefit from breaking this project up into 2 or 3 shorter sessions instead of one long one.

5.Have the kids fill in the tree trunk and then thicken some of the branches on the curves only. The actual spirals probably won't need to be thickened.

6. At this point the kids should add a horizon line. Have them draw a line from the right side of the trunk to the edge of the page and repeat on the left.

7. At this point have them draw in pink and purple flowers with green stems. They may add as many or as few as they like and they should be on the ground and in the tree.

8. Next they will add green triangles, stars(any color), circles, and dots. All these shapes look better when they are done in a grouping and not just by themselves randomly scattered. The dots especially look nice if they follow along the edges of the spirals. Then have them add green and blue swirls on the ground in between the flowers. Encourage variety in sizes, making some bigger and some smaller.

9. At this point have the kids start putting black and brown rectangles on the tree trunk and thicker branches of the tree. They can also add some gold or silver rectangles here depending on whether they started with gold or silver. Again encourage variety in the rectangle pattern. Some should be vertical, some horizontal, some filled in, some empty. The cloak of the male figure in Klimt's "The Kiss" is a good example of this.

When all is said and done these pieces are beautiful and very dramatic especially if mounted on lighter paper and then on black.

This was the example I made.

This is from an 8 year old student.

This was from a 6 year old student.

This was from an 11 year old student.

This was from a 5 year old student.

Queen of Hearts

I have really been enjoying my new booth space at Queen of Hearts in Buford. I have always been in small, more intimate shops, usually no more than 20-50 dealers. I like the friendships one acquires in smaller shops and the hometown feel you have with your customers. Queen of Hearts is a huge antique mall with three times that many dealers. I was afraid I would be lost in the mix of so many dealers, but to my delight, this has not been the case. I am now on my 4th week there and have sold well. Spent this past Saturday replenishing my space and adding items for Halloween. Not alot yet, just a nice mix of items to jump start the October season.

Slowly adding more and more inventory. I'm still looking for a pair of old doors to make a door display and I would love to find a chippy fireplace mantle for the wall. Need to bring in a glass case for items that need to be locked up.

My repurposed plastic frame with the Victorian witch sits nicely on the old trunk.

I embellished recycled jean jackets with vintage laces, ribbons, beads and quilt blocks of vintage photos for Halloween.

Darling vintage Japanese paper parasol. Lovely colors and in wonderful condition. World War 2 era.

Nice Roseville Dogwood Jardiniere.

A touch of Halloween. I made a slew of these book displays from horror novels, vintage candlesticks, added faux blood, and other interesting items to decorate for Halloween. Only have a few left that I could sell this year. Time for another trip to Goodwill and their book section.

I am getting excited as the holidays begin to come upon us. This is always a favorite time of the year for me and I adore working my booth displays for the holidays. Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by my blog. Sea Witch

G-Force review

I think this movie is cool. It is not only a 3D animated movie but an action movie too.

Those guinea pig are real cute but cool and SPECIAL!!! The G-force is formed by 3 guinea pigs and one mole. The voice casting are really strong and of course the director....Hmmm POTC director.

Even Iron man character is only one of the guinea pig haha...He's Hurley, em real name is Jon Favreau, a pet guinea pig. Another sexy guinea pig is Juarez. My favourite is Blaster, hyper-active and really cute. The mole is Spekles. The leader is Darwin, also a guinea pig by Sam Rockwell. And also Mooch, the flies, cute little thing.

They are really cool because they are those special agent. There are more like guinea pig version of mission impossible. At first i thought that it will be like animated movie but it's more than that with those action and storyline.

I think it is one among the animated movie that suit children because it is less ''bad'' (character being so cruel or bad...they didn't) than other movie but in the sense not really suits for children is those technology thing, they maybe can't understand.

The twisting of the storyline from beginning to end is very interesting. The chinese name...hehe go and watch then you'll know. But this is a very pure movie...innocent i think very suit for kids. And those guinea pig facebook-ing...and playing break dancing and listening to hi-fi is like Whoa COOL!!!

And very funny too. But the part Speckles ''die'' is kinda sad, and also when Hurley ''die''....sob sob.

By the way this is a Walt Disney movie...hmmm kinda surprise...Oh ya and Mooch the flies, not all flies is bad...i think this movie has brought out this message. And those cockroach....did little help too.

Conclusion...i LOVE Blaster (the grey one...) and guinea pig...woowoo....Go and watch this movie. Nice one. Oh ya nicholas cage is the mole.....haha i'm not insulting him but he lend his voice as a mole Speckles...
(PS: You gotta believe in yourself...then you're special!!! ^_^)

Touchup, WHAT!!!, Disaster!

So, it was a late, Sunday afternoon made perfect for getting around to doing a touch up (cover up) of my white and gray hair. I'm a natural blonde with chlorine/sun bleached hair from all of my pool/ocean time so about every 4 months I will do a honey blonde recolor to cover the faster then ever incoming grey and soften the harsh bleached tone the water does to my hair.

Have been doing this for years now since the first grey hairs started to appear, what could possibly go wrong? Picked up a box of my favorite Loreal, cool ash blonde color for the cooler months since my summer tan is disappearing.

Again, no change here other than the process. I purchased their "Excellence to Go," 10 minute recolor that is supposed to be less harsh than their other products. Color number was identical to what I have purchased from Loreal for this color tone and I have always liked the results.

Well in 10 minutes I went from this

TO THIS!!!!!!!

This was a lovely color, but not for my light skin tones. I looked like a washed out sea hag wearing a chocolate wig. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. I even went to my honey and said that it would be like sleeping with another woman tonight! He wasn't buying it either. LOL. This was not my color at all. Unfortunately, the Loreal hot line is not available on weekends so I was in a panic, especially after reading the reviews other "victims" have posted about this Loreal product - http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews182633.html

So, what do you do on a Sunday evening at 5:20 pm to try and fix this? I googled like crazy different solutions and then ran to my local Sally Beauty Supply (the women inside are hair goddesses) and they hooked me up with Color Zap. This gently removed all of the newly applied color and lucky me, returned my hair to a nice golden blonde.
So thankfully, I won't have to recolor at this point. My honey is happy that his "blonde bomber" is back and I'm glad not to look like death warmed over with a color that was too dark for my skin tones. So what started out a nightmare, ended up better than I could have hoped for thanks to the gal at Sally's Beauty Supply. Sea Witch

A-lister : George clooney

So i'll be writing some review on some A-lister in Hollywood. I mean for sure is MY opinion on them. This time it wouldn't have Downey on my list. I think he still working on it although he ald a A-lister for me.

So i'll first talk about this men. Famous one....Classic. George Clooney.

He's the sexiest man alive, the sexiest bachelor, the every woman's dream man, the actor, academy award winner, i think he's also some sort of Oscar winner, the director (he once cast Downey, but only a ''cameo'' in his movie...Grrr), and bla bla bla. But until today, i still not getting why he is...i mean ''was'' the sexiest man alive. He's not sexy....and not really handsome ( no offense...keep reading then you'll know).

I think his father is much more good looking than him haha, honestly. But i really don't get it why there are so many woman in this world fancy about him (did i use the right word???). He not the best actor. But one thing for sure, he is very EXPERT in wearing suit. THUMBS UP!!!

He's really good in that. I not really ''notice'' about this men until i ''accidently'' watch ER. (notice means i will take a look at their news when i saw them in newspaper or tv...). I think his character is very charming and interesting. Doug Ross....But the first two season...emmm i don't really like because Clooney's hair is like....After that is better. Oh by the way, only Clooney can comb his kind of hair like that looking good, not Brad Pitt....he don't look good in that kinda hair.

And Clooney's relationship has been a ''controversy'' all time. Like what Brad say he will only marry if George can official marry with his partner. And Hugh Jackman once say he would turn gay for George (oh don't that will be a waste haha). Rumours....all around Clooney. Kidman bet on him will not be marry till some age...even celebs are so into his relationship updates. I don't get it either. And recent the gay reporter stripped for clooney in one of the movie festival.

Besides that, there is one thing i like about Clooney is, he's a prankster. I knew it when i find out interview about those Ocean's gang. I'm an Ocean's series fans. Those casino robbing is whoa!!! Like it!!! It's really funny how he would pranks on friends especially Brad and Matt. Or even the director.

Clooney 's hair...em. He can't have any kind of hair except skin head or that one he's keeping. And salt and pepper...emmm, i would say black looks good on him.

But i really like his comedy...Burn after reading!!! haha...and his up-coming Men who stares at goat i'm so can't wait for that!!! Here's the trailer :

Conclusion, i will like to say that he looks very gentlemen all the time and one word to describe him is that Classic??? I don't know but i think this word suits him.

By looking at his reputation and population and all those movie and plus plus, ya, he is an A-lister!!! Salute!
Next i will be working on either Brad, Jackman or Johnny Depp...They are in my list. Feel fre to comment haha.

Bon Jovi new album tracks WWBTF video shooting

I'm gonna buy this album...deluxe edition for sure because hell ya they looks so YOUNG in this album!!! I mean during all those photoshoot and video shooting!!!

I LOVE richie new hair....shorter the better if FITTER even BETTER. Jon, finally i satisfy with your hair....

I didn't own this picture...I'm just a fans of BJ!!!

Video shooting is done....i think will be included in Deluxe edition. Predicted will be rm 90 sth, but i still think that is worth of it...although after that will be greatest hits. Maybe i can tell my parents to get it as birthday present. Hehe...

But so far We weren't born to follow, i think this song very bon jovi, optimism...Very commercial too. That's why after released as single it has become the MLB promo song. So far so good. At least it is a ROCK album.....Bon Jovi won't go wrong in a rock album!!!

Still waiting for it...HONEY i know you can do it!!!! (put aside downey first, keith maybe sitting at a corner without my notic, haha)

A million things

I may not seem busy, but I have a million things to do.

  • Purchase fabric for Halloween costumes for grandchildren
  • Price items for antiques booths
  • Take over and display priced items in antique booths
  • Traipsing around day with my sister tomorrow
  • Look for old doors with glass or screen doors for booth display
  • Construct booth display if I find the doors
  • kiss my honey
  • kiss my dog
  • clean the house (ewww)
  • pay bills (double ewww)
  • kiss my honey again
  • work on new blog
  • hopefully launch new blog this weekend
  • finish reading Twilight
  • work on knee brace covers...don't ask...just know a knee brace for a mermaid is not a good look
  • squeeze in time to produce some jewelry pieces
  • try and get this all accomplished on a weekend before my next work week begins

As I look at this list I realize how blessed I am to have such a rich and full and somewhat out of control life.

I think I will go kiss the dog and my honey again and wish everyone their own rich and full and blessed life. Sea Witch

Baby Update- Six months

Yes, she is growing, and so am I, right along with her. It is very hard to think that I have another 14 1/2 weeks or so to go. Pregnancy is at best uncomfortable for me, and this time is no exception. I am only 5'2" and literally have about six inches of space between my ribs and my hips. Not a lot of space for a little growing person.

Despite my complaints, there are many more precious things going on that make it all worth it. This little girl loves music. If there is music playing, she is moving. Live music has an especially energizing effect on her. Daddy is a musician you see, and so is his dad, so it is in the genes- on one side anyway. I play the radio and try not to sing too loud for fear of the build up of yowling cats in the back yard.

She also loves her daddy already. He almost always speaks before or while he touches my tummy and invariably it creates a response from the little princess.

I know this is not an "art" post, but inquiring minds might want to know, so I thought I'd supply the information. In the future there will be a "baby update" link in the sidebar for those who are interested.

And while I'm at it, I will include one art related snippet. The deadline for submissions to The Gallery is quickly approaching on the 27th, so please remember to get those in. I am excited about that "baby" too!

Click on the brushes to find out how to submit an article through Blog Carnival!

The Tiger Lesson

In a previous post I discussed the artist Ito Jakuchu. One of his most famous paintings is of a tiger. So for this lesson I chose to draw a tiger. Below is a step-by step slideshow of how to draw this tiger. It is a bit rough as I drew it out in paint using only my mouse. I did not add any color. In my original picture, I used chalk pastel, though in my lessons this week we will be using marker.

For now, here is the slide show...

Student Examples

By Ryan
Age 7

By Gabi Age 10

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