Touchup, WHAT!!!, Disaster!
So, it was a late, Sunday afternoon made perfect for getting around to doing a touch up (cover up) of my white and gray hair. I'm a natural blonde with chlorine/sun bleached hair from all of my pool/ocean time so about every 4 months I will do a honey blonde recolor to cover the faster then ever incoming grey and soften the harsh bleached tone the water does to my hair.

Have been doing this for years now since the first grey hairs started to appear, what could possibly go wrong? Picked up a box of my favorite Loreal, cool ash blonde color for the cooler months since my summer tan is disappearing.

Again, no change here other than the process. I purchased their "Excellence to Go," 10 minute recolor that is supposed to be less harsh than their other products. Color number was identical to what I have purchased from Loreal for this color tone and I have always liked the results.
Well in 10 minutes I went from this

TO THIS!!!!!!!

So, what do you do on a Sunday evening at 5:20 pm to try and fix this? I googled like crazy different solutions and then ran to my local Sally Beauty Supply (the women inside are hair goddesses) and they hooked me up with Color Zap. This gently removed all of the newly applied color and lucky me, returned my hair to a nice golden blonde.

So thankfully, I won't have to recolor at this point. My honey is happy that his "blonde bomber" is back and I'm glad not to look like death warmed over with a color that was too dark for my skin tones. So what started out a nightmare, ended up better than I could have hoped for thanks to the gal at Sally's Beauty Supply. Sea Witch