Wallpaper and treasure

Busy weekend and still had to make time for the Superbowl.  Refreshed my main booth with wallpaper last weekend.  Really like the finish and it hides every nail hole...something that was very exposed on the sand color paint I originally had.  I always enjoy hanging wallpaper.  There is something about the instant decorating gratification one receives when doing so.  I could have sold rolls of what I chose to customers passing by.  Always a good sign of what I had selected. 

I allowed the booth to really empty out so I could hang the wallpaper.  It was from the Tuscany line with a great faux Italian stone wall look to it.

It must be well received because I am selling things that were originally hung on the painted surface and are now hanging on the wall papered surface, like mad.  (okay, I just read that sentence back and realize grammatically it was all over the place but I decided to leave it because that is how I speak, sigh)

Found three amazing turn of the century screen doors from a commercial building in one of our small, southern towns.  Fantastic aqua green paint was the last layer among many.  You can even see some of the faded red below it that is now a wonderful faded dark pink.  These babies are 8 feet high and will make wonderful display units or a showpiece in an old home.

Went junking on Saturday and only came back with one small bag full of items.  Finds were slim this weekend, although, what I found I really liked.  Among them were this group of vintage barber shop pieces.  The shaving brush, a Sanek neck paper dispenser and an Italian balm dispenser.  Wouldn't it be fun to do up a spare bathroom like an old fashioned men's barbershop?

One of my super deals of the day. I dropped off a few bags of items to my local goodwill and since it was starting to drizzle I decided to go in and just nose around.  Rack of winter coats up front had this soft, taupe mink stole (in perfect condition) from the 1950s on it.  I bee-lined for it hoping it wasn't too high and as I picked it up, the voice over the PA system said there were 5 minutes left to the "blue light" special of items on the rack. 25% off.  When the dust settled after running to the check out to beat the clock of savings I paid $14.00 for this beauty.  Deal of the day...we shall see.

Hanging in my Victorian booth.  Now it is not a Victorian piece, but any fur items I hang in this booth sells like crazy so I had to put it there.

I'm a sucker for Early American Pressed Glass (EAPG) or pattern glass as it is less formally known.  It is the utilitarian glass items of the middleclass Victorian home.  Hundreds of patterns and designs and unique pieces that are no longer used today...like this spooner (circa 1870s).  Etched with big, bold curves and knobs it was found on the family table or buffet to ensure that spoons were always available should one fall to the floor. Found some nice silverplate as as well and placed them in the spooner.

Great little, Art Deco stretch glass.  This one has lots of whistles and bells from being a carnival glass color, iridized stretch marks around it and then hand painted.  Stretch continues to climb in value year after year.  I will be bringing in a series of pieces to my main booth in March.

Vintage Sun Gun for bring perfect sunlight into your home movies.  I have always had great luck with vintage camera items when I find them. Original box and tags inside.

Absolutely, stunning art glass paperweight by the renowned glass artist Ed Nasteruk (signed/dated as well).  He developed the veiling technique you see inside.  The colors are so light and translucent that it is difficult to photograph all of them. There are actually three veils, one in red, blue and yellow.  Nasteruk only sold by commission or in select galleries.    I paid $2.00 for this and the book values range from  $300-$600.00.  Now, this was my deal of the day.  Funny, this was in a group of Chinese paperweights and I could tell by the color tone of the clear glass that this was a quality piece.  They actually had this one priced the lowest of the group because it didn't look like it had a lot going on inside it compared to the Chinese pieces.  Go figure.
So after getting these items cleaned up, priced and in the store, I made a quick shopping run for a small shelf for my master bathroom.  Still haven't found what I'm looking for...I will know it when I see it so the hunt still continues.  However, I was sidetracked in SassyTrash's booth again and saw my favorite little antique lamp still in the booth.  I have been eyeing it since she brought it in before Christmas.  After seeing it again, I decided it was waiting for me to take it home. 
I'm one to never let a piece not talk me into acquiring it.  Great little plaster piece with the right amount of chippiness and flame bulb. This originally had a globe on it and I'm toying with finding one but not sure if I want to lose the look of the flame.  We shall see. 

Sat down with my honey to watch the Superbowl game, Go Packers...that was for you dad.  Have a wonderful week everyone and blessings to you and those you love.  Sea Witch

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