Ted Kennedy: Commie-Loving Whoremonger
•“While Kennedy was in Santiago he made arrangements to ‘rent’ a brothel for an entire night. Kennedy allegedly invited one of the Embassy chauffeurs to participate in the night’s activities.”

Hey, at least Elliot Spitzer patronized American whores...couldn't Teddy wait until he got home so as to spend his money on American girls?
The files themselves make for great reading....on page 15, we see a State Department official in Lima, Peru as a "pompous and spoiled brat". Sounds about right...
There's more, check out page 16, where the FBI questions Kennedy's efforts to obtain a visa for a Brazilian women they describe as "unsavory", and that's the FBI being polite. Seems like the subject of Kennedy's efforts had been engaged to the head of Hungarian intelligence during WWII (a Nazi post), and then was a "close friend", ahem, of the head of Hungarian intelligence after WWII (a Soviet post). Not to mention a past filled with enemy collaboration and prostitution. Regardless, after a protracted battle, Kennedy got her into America. Maybe he was interested in her "lesbian tendencies"? I guess we'll never know...
Don't expect to see any of these revelations mentioned in our mainstream media. They protect the legacy of their heroes, while printing whatever half-truths they can to destroy ours. Amazing how they will betray the calling of the profession they have chosen to devote themselves to - that of exposing the truth and informing the people - in order to uphold a precarious political doctrine. The equivalent of a doctor refusing to see sick patients due to an antagonism towards their belief system...
Actually, today's journalists seem to have a lot in common with Teddy Kennedy....