4 Weeks

I know it's not an art lesson, but... Art lessons will return soon.

Little Miss Emberjayne is four weeks old today. Time is moving entirely too fast! She has actually only been home for eighteen of those twenty eight days, so that is probably distorting my time time perception somewhat, but still...
Things are going well. Save for my paranoia. The fun thing about coming through something like this is the hyper-vigilance that occurs as a result. I find myself constantly questioning the normalcy of her every stretch, wiggle, and grunt. Not to mention I did myself the severe disservice of trying to educate myself about what happened via the internet. (It's sort of like leaving a hypochondriac in a room full of medical diagnostic journals.) I can joke and make light, but I am admittedly still worried. Her next neurology appointment can't come quite soon enough for my liking. I have so many questions to ask of the doctors. This is the time where leaving it in God's hands becomes difficult, and yet this is what I must do. He is the Great Healer and she is in His hands, not mine and if this is true, then worry will accomplish nothing.
On a different note, our neighbor, friend, and sister-in-Christ just did a family portrait session for us. She has really become an amazing photographer. I can't wait to see all the photos. The one above was me taking pictures behind her. And just to wet your appetite for how awesome these images are going to be let me just say two things... baby and a bass drum!

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