Spelling Tangle

Looking for ways to make tangle doodles more practical in your home school day?
Try tangle spelling words.
Start with block or bubble letters and then fill them up with lots of patterns. The patterns could be based on repeating the letters of the word to make a design or simply as a design itself. They will be staring and studying the spelling of the word in a visual mode regardless and unfortunately so much of our spelling in English is really based on visual memory.
My second grader missed paint on his spelling test this week. I told him we would start doing this with his spelling words next week. When I thought a little more about it, doing this with all ten words might be a little much. We only do school four days a week so he would need to average 2.5 words a day. So I told him, maybe we'd start with a pretest and then only have him tangle the words he misses on the pretest. No need in having him practice ad nauseum what he already knows.
His response to this was, "Well, I 'll just have to get them all wrong then."
Addiction does run in the family...

I suppose you could do with this math families as well. Start with a block or bubble number and make drawing patterns of the equations or use the numbers themselves to make patterns in the open space.

See addiction seeks justification...

Just in case you are wondering what a tangle doodle is, let me explain...

For more on this subject please see my other posts about Tangles...

Spreading the disease: how to find tangle pattern inspiration

Art as Worship- Tangle Style

Tangle your way out of the doldrums.

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