Degas' Dancing Divas

How do you present a master of figure drawing (an extremely difficult technique to master) to a group of second graders? This lesson would be a good start. I took this originally from an Usborne art book called "What shall I draw today?"

First I gave the students a triangle and circle template to control the outcome on the size of the figure.(You can click on the pictures to enlarge them.)

When the drawing is complete, have the children outline the lines with black sharpie marker and then color in with markers and chalk pastels. With older students you can emphasize light sources and how to add shadows and highlights.
The sample at the top was done with chalk pastel pencils and marker on pink paper, but you could also do a simple variation with a glue and pastel technique on black paper. All the above steps would be the same except instead of outlining with black sharpie marker, have the kids go over their lines with glue. Wait for it to dry- a day or so and then color in with chalk pastel.

For more information on Edgar Degas, check out these great links and resources...

ArtSmarts for Kids
National Gallery of Art

Stay tuned for a project based on the California State Flag.

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