Thankful Theology Thursdays #6

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want." Psalm 23:1

It's official we are moving! It's only about ten minutes away;a bigger, newer house for the same amount of money and the opportunity to buy the property in a year or two.
We are very excited, albeit a bit daunted. We have a lot to do in a short amount of time. There is also a measure of faith required here as I will be moving my business as well.
We really debated if we should do this. We knew that buying wasn't an option for us right now but we needed a bigger place. We were about ready to just wait it out and then two things happened. The first was that the toilet broke, again. The second was that we started memorizing Psalm 23. (We have Psalm 24 down now). The passage is not new to me. Next to John 3:16 it is probably the most quoted piece of scripture there is. It is used in every tv show when they have a funeral. On tv that's a lot. However this time I looked at it was different. Like many people I write in my bible. Notes on passages or applications pointed out during sermons. From a previous study of this passage I had verse 1 underlined and next to it I had written "God will provide". I know that it is true. I have experienced it time and again and yet like the Hebrews wandering in the desert I tend to forget all that God has already done for me. So now, we are going to step out in faith a little and just wait to see what God has planned for us.

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