Rick Santorum: Social conservatives define the country

I really like Santorum because he’s on point on every issue. He’s not afraid to mix it up unlike the current crop of GOPers in Washington.

That means you, John Boehner!


The day after Haley Barbour implored the crowd not to put ideological purity over pragmatism for the general election as they pick a 2012 GOP candidate, Rick Santorum took to the podium at the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference in Washington to make a different case. In a strong pitch to the mostly evangelical crowd on Saturday morning, the former Pennsylvania senator cast social conservative issues as the defining ones for the country — and for the Republican Party.

“Social conservatives understand that the bigger the government, the smaller the person and the more repressed the family,” he said. “I’ve been fighting for the causes that social conservatives care about, and they’re not just social conservative causes. They’re causes of who we are.”

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Santorum is 100% correct.


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