Paul Krugman is unsustainable in his present form: Says there’s nothing wrong with Medicare
I think I’ve been banned from Memeorandum because I wrote a post disagreeing with Paul Krugman, the “Yoda” the Left.
Today, Paul has come out with another one of his pronouncements Liberals will no doubt hang their hats on this week.
Liberals love to introduce Krugman as a Nobel Prize winner in economics. But, I think the majority of Americans aren’t impressed by this anymore because they know it’s an award offered by Liberals to other Liberals they like. Let’s get real, folks. President Obama was given the Nobel Prize after serving hours as president. So that award has been forever rendered relevant only to the Left.
Krugman believes Medicare is okay in its present form.
Paul Krugman
So this business about Medicare in its present form being unsustainable sounds wise but is actually a stupid slogan. The solution to the future of Medicare is Medicare — smarter, less open-ended, but recognizably the same program.
More here
So the people who have been administering Medicare haven’t been smart enough, or at least not as smart as Paul Krugman.
Thanks Paul for clearing this up for us mere mortals that don’t have your intelligence.
But, I’m still not grasping what Krugman means by “open ended”. Far be it from me to complain that a Nobel Prize winner didn’t offer up a specific example of what the heck he meant. Not smart enough I guess.
But it does sound like Krugman has a problem with seniors living to a ripe old age and the medical costs associated with that. Are you bringing back the dreaded “death panels” Paul? Is this the smarter way to do Medicare?
Maybe Krugman needs to write another article.
There! That’ll keep me off Meme a few more weeks.