Turnout Report: Old Bridge, New Jersey - 9:00AM

Folks, the Democrats are out today. Complacency will equal defeat.

Went to vote at approximately 9AM today in Old Bridge, New Jersey. First thing I saw in a packed parking lot was a beat-up sedan with a licence plate that simply read "OBAMA". Did it belong to a voter, or a poll worker? And does that count as electioneering within 100 feet of a polling place ? I shook my head, knowing those laws only apply to supporters of Republican candidates...

Inside: Brisk, but not general election level. Two folks in front of me. The man leaving the booth before I walked in was wearing a union hat and jacket. Again, I wondered if I would be allowed to vote wearing the Gadsden flag, and again I remembered that in Obama's America, the blindfold has long since been ripped off of Lady Justice, and the law does not apply equally...

Spoke briefly to the harried poll worker. "Busy today, real busy" he told me curtly, as he prepped my machine. Which worked perfectly. As I stepped out, a minority women stepped in to vote.

Pulled out, and got a smile and wave from an minority couple who pulled into my spot...

OK, I am really judging books by their covers here (and their jackets). Maybe the African American vote is rising up against the Democrats who have kept them, using fear, on their ideological plantation for so long. Maybe the union guy is really a "Reagan Democrat", voting for his country instead of for his narrow self-interest.

And if you saw me walking in - with a sweatshirt, a flannel over it, unshaven, with a brim-down-low baseball cap, you might mistake me as someone who walked backed from Jon Stewart's rally in DC this weekend...

And again, I usually vote much earlier, on my way to work, when the polls first open. Different crowd, perhaps. Or perhaps not. Maybe the Democrats have been successful in GOTV, while we've been content to listen to pollsters telling us our victory is assured...

Bottom line: If you want to save your country, better get your ass out there and do it yourself. I'll be blogging all day today, reporting on what I can. Stay tuned...

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