Reign of Assassins review

I think it's been quite a long time that I didn't go for a chinese movie. Actually I go for both Detective Dee and Reign of Assassins just few days apart. But I feel like I'm going to write a review on Reign of Assassins rather to write for Detective Dee.

A John Wu's movie.

I was kinda shocked when the movie start as it is in mandarin. I was expecting it in cantonese and since peoples around me keep telling me this is a very boring movie, I start to get worry. (I hate watching meaningless, not watchable and boring movie in cinema!!!) As I follow the flow of storyline, it's actually a very interesting, touching and a great action movie. (Yo, I don't get it when they say it's boring!)

It's a sparkling star-studded casting in Reign of Assassins.

Reign of Assassins is filled with great actor, Michelle Yeoh, Shawn Yue, Wang Xue Qi, Woo-Sung Jung and etc. It's about an assassins ( Should be Michelle Yeoh, because Michelle Yeoh act as the after plastic surgery assassin. ) get the buddhist monk's dead body which believe that it can cure everything and bring immortal to human. So, everyone start to seek and try to grab away from Michelle Yeoh.

Michelle Yeoh look soooo COOL!!!
One of the biggest "attrativeness" in this movie will be Michelle Yeoh. It's like having Robert Downey jr in one movie aka it's a must watch movie!!! I love Michelle Yeoh a lot and she impress me again in this one!!! Michelle Yeoh's sword in this movie is bend-able and they way that Michelle Yeoh play with the sword is fantastic!!!

You can't see when the sword coming to you!!!
It's an action movie for sure!!! The fighting scene is cool! I'm enjoying every fighting scene! The bad guy, good guy, everyone can fight in this movie.

Magician can fight too!!!
Other than that, this movie outstand the others because it got quite a few twisting part in it!!! Out of my expectation! This is slightly hard to be found in a chinese fighting movie which make this movie become more unique among all. You don't know who is the good one or bad one till the end.

Shawn Yue is good in making noodles ya!

Of course, this movie is very funny and touching at the same time which happen between Woo-Sung Jung and Michelle Yeoh. The part where Woo-Sung Jung and Michelle Yeoh sacrifice themselves for each other is really touching and it's quite romantic as well ( Well, I didnt much "say" or praise a movie that is romantic. ). For me, I prefer this more than Titanic (Haha!). And Woo-Sung Jung is very funny in this movie, I don't know he's a Korean but one thing for sure is his acting in this movie really capture my attention. Well done!

Woo-Sung Jung, popular Korean actor!!!
The ending is another twisting tooooo which I really like! Love this movie and Michelle Yeoh!!! I can't wait for another Michelle Yeoh's movie!!! I gotta say that this movie really out of my expectation and this movie ain't THAT bored!

So sweet!!!
It is a John Wu's movie but I don't see any doves? Or did I miss out? Finally, need to post out the classic dialogue in this movie ;
" 我愿化身石桥,受五百年风吹,五百年日晒,五百年雨打,但求此少女从桥上走过。"

Thumbs up!!!!
(PS : Michelle Yeoh is so pretty. I love her dress during the premiere!!! :D)

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