NJ-12: Holt Overtakes Sipprelle...

....and CD-12 looks lost, again. 80% in, Holt leads by just over 5,000...

Sickening to see him back in DC, "representing" my piece of Jersey for another two years. Depressing, too, because if a self-financed candidate couldn't beat Rush Holt in a wave year, who's going to even bother to try next time? Unless, of course, Scott Sipprelle wasn't the right candidate in the first place...

I've mentioned my issues with his candidacy in the past, and I think I'll do an in-depth post-mortem tom morrow, but it looks like Sipprelle did in fact give Holt the tightest run of his reign, at least since the district was gerrymandered for his benefit back in 2000. Sipprelle did better than the much more well-publicized (deservedly) Anna Little campaign, and even John Runyon's race - which should have been an easier win - went from rout to nail biter, with early 20% lead down to a few thousand votes in a final three precincts. I'm sure Holt got a late boost from a last-minute slew of blatantly false ads, which did nothing to raise his positives but a lot to raise Scott Sipprelle's negatives...

Hopefully, Runyon holds on. In The Great Wave of 2010, I want Jersey to represent...

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