Has Obama Become...Unhinged?

Sounds like a movie - what would happen if an American president, viewed as godlike by his most loyal followers, suffered some sort of psychological breakdown while in office? Protected by the palace guards, what kind of havoc could be wreaked?

Well, we're there. Leave it to the Democrats...Sean Hannity, on his radio show

“There are some Democrats that cue me into things. I got to tell you that the feeling among some people in the White House is that this president is unhinged, that he’s detached, that he’s losing it, he’s obsessed with critics, very specifically obsessed with Fox News, he can’t stand Biden, he hates the Clintons, the Clintons hate him. That the only thing he is passionate about seems to be ESPN and playing golf and and playing some basketball, the only thing that gets his interest.

Infighting apparently, and finger pointing is at an all-time high, if the President is brought bad news on the economy he has a meltdown every time he hears it. And this is what people — and I’m telling you my sources are reliable — are telling me. And I don’t know how he’s going to deal with this a story, ‘One and done, to be a great president President Obama should not seek re-election in 2012′.”

There's more stories like this out there, that I haven't posted on because (like the one above) they are "unsourced". But when a trickle becomes a stream, and a stream becomes a river, well...time to start paying attention to where the flood line is....

And could somebody - perhaps while the president is watching some NBA action - slip away with the nuclear briefcase and stow it in a more secure location? I have the feeling that I wouldn't be the only one sleeping better at night...

Need more evidence of Barack Obama's growing detachment from reality? Note his comments to the press after returning from his disastrous Asian adventure:

When asked about his meeting with GOP leaders later this week, Obama said: “They are flush with victory after a campaign of just saying ‘No.’ But I’m sure the American people did not vote for more gridlock.”

Oh boy....

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