Christine O'Donnell within 5 of Chris Coons?
From TCJ Research (OK, that stands for The Conservative Journal, so some grains of salt are to be ingested with results):
Delaware Senate: (D)Chris Coons- 50%, (R)Christine O’Donnell- 45%, Undecided- 5%
Each poll uses a random sampling of 1000 Likely Voters (unless otherwise stated) and has a +/- 4% margin of error...
OK, so it could still be Coons by 9; he is at that magical 50% mark as well. But the nation seems to have made a hard right turn in the last 72 hours...
And I also don't know how TCJ defines a "likely voter", I was shocked to find out a Jersey polling outfit puts that moniker on anyone who has voted in a general in the last 16 years. In other words, if you came out for Clinton in 1996, and crawled out from your cave to catch the Obama wave in 2008, you are now a likely voter in the 201 midterms? Hmmm....
But what I will say is this: If O'Donnell does win in Delaware, I think the Democrats will have to do more than move their beach chairs away from the encroaching tide. It will be more like digging deep holes and hiding from the torchlit mobs wheeling cauldrons of hot oil and towing duffel bags filled with feathers...