Moshi Monsters....the new facebook?
Yes, Moshi Monsters is the new trend!!! Is it the new facebook?
The answer is kind of...Actually this is a social networking, learning (a little...) site that designed for kids, the average user is between 7 to 12 years old. (*ehem* however, I join the site too.....hehe *blush*) So when you enter the site and sign up, you'll need to "adopt" a monster!!! Yes! It's ADOPT a MONSTER!!! There are six monsters to choose so far, the monster is shown below.
From left to right : Diavlo, Katsuma (this cool guy), Furi (i think i've saw this "flurry thingy" somewhere), Poppet, Zommer and Luvli (looks like a tomato to me, well , i think it suppose to be a love.) Guess which I choose??
After you choose, you'll need to customize your pet, of course with the color only. It's more or less like pet society in facebook. But seriously, the site is so cute. All the stuff in the site is so interactive. For example, there is a purple tiny bacteria ( I think that's a bacteria? ) in the loading site, it will eat your mouse key arrow.
After that you'll need to name your pet, take care of it, make friends, decorate your house and play games (some puzzles, maths related games, seriously, I think I'm kinda weak in playing this, haha.)
Well I still haven't got the chance to "investigate" deeper and more details in this Moshi Monsters site. But it's kinda interesting. The only thing is the dressing is kinda hard for me to help my pet dress up.
Haha, maybe you can give a try to this site, the Moshi Monsters.
By the way, feel free to add me here in the monster world :
(PS: When I register for this site and type in my age, I'm kinda afraid....because I'm kinda old to play for this game and I'm afraid they won't allow me to play, haha but AGE is not a problem!!!)