New header for Sea Witch

Those of you who have been stopping by my blog over the last few weeks have seen first hand my wrestling matches with shifting backgrounds, funny fonts, and header placement issues. I finally got those pesky little html problems corrected and then began to work on my header design. The more I played with it the more it began to look like the logo for another installment of Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean." (side note--however, if this would bring Johnny Depp back for another pirate romp I will gladly put it back up)


So I dumped the Disney look and decided to use different photos that I have shot under the seas or around aquariums. After all, a Sea Witch really should share her time under the sea with others. I like the clean look of the new header and with the new font for the narrative text making it easier to read. Now all I have to do is tweak the color/hue of the header title. (made these header changes on my lunch break and didn't have time to finish the tweaking...look for final tweaks this week) .

As the direction of the wind changes in my world, I will also change out the photo. You will have to periodically stop by to see what swims to the surface.

My Ping in

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