Staying Accountable

In what ways do you purposely reveal God, His Son, and His salvation through art?

This question was recently posed to me. It is a really simple question and yet so challenging at the same time. It doesn't have to just be about art either, you can really substitute anything at the end, through art, through music, through whatever you decide to do. It is a challenge pure and simple. I can't answer it completely all at once. I think it is really a life long process, maybe even a battle.
Art is one of those wonderful things that was once a medium used to primarily to honor and glorify God, but has been snatched away and more often than not is now a tool used to mock Him instead. It makes me so sad, and yet am I doing enough to live up to the aforementioned challenge?

I see many things whose whole purpose were once considered glorifying to God, music, science, marriage, family, education, and they have been hijacked and put into the service of the enemy. Hostages overtaken by Helsinki syndrome and transformed in to Patti Hearst like terrorists. I want to be part of the generation that frees the hostages and brings them back home. Back to their original purposes. It only takes two to three generations to swing it one way or the other. That's why it is so important to teach our kids about serving and glorifying God in all they do and to model it for them in our lives as well.
Next time you see a rainbow bumper sticker. license plate frame, or a Darwinized fish symbol, remember that the rainbow belonged to God first! Of course it belongs to Him, he's the one who made it. The fish belong to Him too! Early Christians lived and died on that fish symbol, deciding whom to trust based on it. Art and music were God's idea, and shouldn't the author get some royalties!

On a different note, I have a friend who is trying to get healthier. Something I need to do as well. She has inspired me to a call for accountability, and so because of that I present the following to you. Each week I will update my current weight and measurements and each day I will post a food diary. So here it goes!

Current weight 160lbs
Height 62 inches


Waist 34"
Lower Abdomen 41"
Hips 44"
Chest- under bra 34"
Over bra 38"
Upper arm 13"
Upper thigh 26"
Knee 17"
Upper calf 16"

My goal weight is 115 lbs.

I will post today's food and exercise diary tomorrow since today isn't over yet.

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