Praises and Updates

Bad news first. I don't think I have lost any weight. I was not good this past week or weekend on my exercise. If I have to step out of my routine I don't get it done, so I need to be really proactive in finding ways to stay active throughout the day. Last week we had testing and I was gearing up for my meeting with the Christian School about art classes so we didn't get to the park. Guess I'll have to park farther away from stuff, dance around the house with the kids, and stuff like that. I have been bad with what I've been eating too, but I have been better with portions. So in the words of Scarlett, "Tomorrow is another day." Actually this one is just beginning so today is a good place to start too.
That being said, now I can share the most wonderfullelst( I know I spelled it wrong, I just wanted the cute effect)news! I am officially going to be teaching art classes at Grace Academy next year. It will be an after-school program about three days a week.
I will have pre-k through eighth grade split up into four groups. I will do pre-k through 2nd the same day with 2 one hour back to back classes. Then the 3rd-5th grades another day in a 90 minute class, and then one more day with 6-8th in a two hour class.
I have been given a conservative estimate to expect 30 students. I am doing cartwheels! If this is accurate, this will make up for my tutoring job almost three times worth. I also have new students in my home class and hopefully will get more this next school year. God is so good!
It is hard to express what it feels like when you get a chance to make money doing something you would gladly do for free(don't tell anyone that though).
I have more to write about proverbs and inspirations I got from my pastors sermon this past Sunday, but If I am going to make today count for exercise I need to get the boys up and get to the park, so I will try to write more later tonight.

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