A Teapot Kind of Christmas

Saturday I helped my dad clean out his garage to get ready for a yard sale. My dad is getting married soon and we will either be moving into his house or he will be renting it out. One reason we went through the garage was so that I could pick out things I wanted to keep. My mom had sooooo many things. It basically boiled down to teapots, cookie jars, and Christmas stuff. The teapots I gave away at Christmas to my cousins this year barely scratched the surface of her collection. It was difficult to do, mostly in deciding not to keep everything. Each thing she had had a story or she wouldn't have kept it. I was proud of myself though for all that I chose not to keep. Of course all the things I kept I couldn't get into my car so I will be going back to get the rest later. I spent most of Sunday afternoon finding places to put my mom's things that I wanted to keep. I even kept a few teapots.
One mother's day I wrote my mom a poem for Mother's Day, since I never had much money.
It seems appropriate to share it here now...

Teapots and Teacups

Teapots and teacups,
Mothers and daughters.
Creating warmth,
At times steaming,
Other times cool.
Pouring in and filling up.
Cherished moments.
Drinking in nourishment.
Sometimes bitter.
Sometimes sweet.
Always permeated with love.
Refreshing, relaxing.
Giving comfort and encouragement.
Sharing secrets.
Celebrating life,
In big and small ways.
Treasuring memories.
Embracing the spirit.
Renewing the soul.

This has been a teapot kind of Christmas for me, from the gifts I gave and received to the memories we made and savored. I hope it was for you as well.

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