Happy Holidays

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The holidays are usually a busy time for us. We have quite a lot of family members who are somewhat nearby, but do require a bit of a drive to see. So for us, the holidays mean time in the car. It is all worth it though. I get to see the family that I really love to be around and wish I could see more often. We also get to have special time with people we see frequently. We did miss some people this year. My brother-in-law was in Korea, so we missed out on seeing him, his wife, and our nephews and niece. The holidays really aren't the same when the little ones aren't there. The good news is that because we didn't see them at Thanksgiving, we will probably see them at Christmas. We don't often get to do that.
The picture I posted here was from my cousin's house. We don't get a group family shot too often, since I am usually the one taking the pictures. The kids are getting so big. Jenna is already slightly taller then me and the boys will catch up soon. Time marches on entirely too fast for my liking.
Holidays are bittersweet as well. They are a time when we also remember the loved ones who can't be with us anymore. The ones who have truly gone home for Christmas before us. I have been through one round of holidays without my mom. The second round is not easier, but as time marches on I hear the pounding footsteps with less intensity. I concentrate on the ones who are still here to make memories with. Thanksgiving and Christmas always come with hope as the old passes away and the new year looms on with possibilities and opportunities. Christmas stands out in our minds for that very reason, it is the day we celebrate when our greatest hope was born.

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