Illinois Dioceses Suspend Adoption Licensing over Civil Unions law . And what about Gays adopting Black kids?
I agree with the dioceses decision of not wanting to provide foster care and adoption services to Gay couples. It’s totally appropriate under the teachings of the faith.
However, a bigger issue that has fallen below the radar because most people are afraid of talking about it, is the numbers of African American children that have been adopted by Gay couples.
I remember back in the day a huge argument of how White parents aren’t suitable to raise Black children because the cultural differences were detrimental to the child.
Well, what about African American children raised by Whites who are also Gay? That issue was never brought to the forefront because of Political Correctness. So as a result, we’ll have another generation of children not knowing what it means to be Black and straight?
Two Illinois Catholic Charities agencies have suspended licensing new foster care and adoptive parents following the state's enactment of a civil unions law.
Glenn Van Cura, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Joliet, told The Advocate that his office is not accepting applications for new foster care or adoptive parents pending further clarification from the governor and attorney general's office.
"What we want to make clear is that according to our beliefs, with any cohabitating couple, whether homosexual or heterosexual, we don't refer to licensing. It's just part of our social teaching," Van Cura said.
Single individuals, whether gay or straight, have been eligible to become foster or adoptive parents, however. "We don't ask, nor is it any of our business," Van Cura said of a single applicant's sexual orientation.
In a letter this week to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, Catholic Charities of Peoria CEO Tricia C. Fox wrote that the suspension could be lifted if the state amended the civil unions law to allow religious services to refer same-sex couples elsewhere.
The move by the two dioceses comes a week after Catholic Charities of Rockford announced it would halt its state adoption and foster care services because of the new civil unions law.
"Catholic Charities and other religious agencies asked the State of Illinois to allow their agencies to refer such couples to other adoption and foster care agencies so as to not violate the moral teachings of their faith,” diocese spokeswoman Penny Wiegert said at a press conference last week. “Tragically, that did not happen. The state legislature failed to pass legislation or a written agreement that would exempt Catholic Charities from the application of the civil unions law. Even with the tireless efforts of the state’s Catholic Charities directors … the exemption failed.”
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I thought Gays adopting these Black children was part of their strategy to soften public opinion towards Gay Marriage. If you have a slew of these types of families, then they could say, "What? We can't get married? What about our kids?