A.I Season 9 Winner : Lee Dewyze
Yes, it's Lee The Wise!!! This is how you pronounce his name!!
Of course not to forget to mention about runner up, Crystal Bowersox. Well, both of them are great. My choice is Lee but Crystal has a really unique and nice vocal, honestly, her finale performance is better than Lee.

The show start with introducing both of them. I thought that it will be slightly bored than season 8 (Season 8 finale is a BLAST!!!!). They start with the shool girls and boys looks...and suddenly!!! Whoa ....Metal Legend Alice Cooper came out!!! Great! But the singing together with the top 10...(i think so...or top 7), some of their pitch isn't that good and it just seems to be not good enough as a groupwork.
After that, I gotta say that Siobhan Magnus and Aaron Kelly did the opening for How Deep Is Your Love is really GREAT!!! And they sing together with Bee Gees!! Later, Bret Michaels surprise performance with Casey James. This rocker actually facing a severe health problem. He had brain hemorrhage few months ago. Well, I look up to this rocker for still performer spirit! Salute!!! Kris Allen aka our season 8 winner performing The Truth on the finale (My favourite song on his album...) as well as Carrie Underwood performing Undo it which is written by one of the judges Kara Dioguardi. I love the Christina Aguilera appearance, I mean she's STAR and how she outshine as a star from the AI contestant as she start singing at almost the end of Fighter and start her solo singing!! Janet Jackson make a performance too.
After that there are previous contestant that "rejected" by Simon all coming back performing and half way through the performance, someone just grab away the mic and start "talking" to Simon, more or less just like the Kanye grab away Taylor Swift mic case~~~ Someone trying to grab back the mic and smart camera-man move away the camera from the scene and....It's commercial time!!!
The great part is they get General Larry Platts performing on the shows! Haha. No idea who he is? Pants on the ground is his hits!!! Yes, he previously get on the audition and sing the song. And it is feat by William Hung!! That is great!
In this show, of course they did some farewell for Simon thingy video. And how sarcastic are Ryan and the Judge Gang for insulting simon for the first few video. Till the part Ryan introducing Paula Abdul video.....talks about Simon, seriously....Awwwww. and Paula Abdul guest appearance on the show!!! That's so touching. I bet Simon is touched by her and the all previous winner of american idol with some top 2 , 3 , 4 contestant singing for him. This is really HUGE!!! And Simon get pushed by Paula Abdul to the stage to make a speech.
He may be cruel, cool, or sometimes he looks cold blooded to the contestant. But the last night on AI, we saw his soft side during the speech!! We'll miss you!!
And while they showing the video tribute to Simon, I kinda thought that in the end will they just add on a phrase, Simon Cowell, from 2002 to 2010. It's like he leaving us forever, okay it's kinda true he leaving the show forever. But seriously, it will be different without Simon. But as Paula say, the show will still go on. So far, there are rumours saying that Elton john will be the new judge....Hmm what you think about that?
And after all, the annoucement of winner is made by Ryan. It's Lee Dewyze!!!! I think both Lee and Crystal will have a bright future for sure. And no one is loser in the show. They learn along the competition. Great to say that we got a new winner add to the list of american idol. Sad to say that another judges is leaving the show. I will miss Simon a lot!!!
Let's us wait and see how the brand new American idol season 10 will be!!!