2010 MTV movie awards preview
After a whole bunch of freakin kick-X awesome movies, it's time to rewards them who brought us these amazing movie.

It's MTV Movie Awards 2010!!!
This event is going to be HUGE!!! Why? Looks at the presenter and performer list and you'll know why!
Christina Aguilera, Katy Perry will be performing....Adam Sandler, Diddy, Chris Rock, Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Jessica Biel, Russel Brand, Zac Afron and more will be presenting the awards. Not huge enough for you!? Don't worry because as we know MTV movie awards always give us more other than being huge (we should leave that for Oscar....)
2010 MTV movie awards will be held on 6th of June, and now you're allowed.....NO!!! I should say you HAVE THE RIGHT to vote for the nominees!!! And here are SOME of the nominees's categories...
Best Kiss:
Well, looks like the Twilight gang are hungry for the best kiss as three of them, Taylor Laurner, Rob Pattison and Kristen Stewart is nominated for this BEST KISS category....
Dakota Fannings and Kristen Stewart get nominated for their "ehem" scene in The Runaways. (What!? Yes you didn't heard me wrong, it's dakota and kristen.....they did this for art~) And again, Kristen is nominated with Rob Pattison for the kissing scene in twillight saga : new moon (Nope, stop screaming!!! Twilight fans...) While the Taylors (Laurner and Swift) nominated for their kissing scene in Valentine's day, well, too bad they didnt last for long. Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reydnolds in The Proposals (Hmm, prefer Ryan Reynolds back to the X-Men gang doing his fighting instead of kissing!!! Just my POV!) And last but not least, Zoe Saldana and Sam Worthington's kissing scene in Avatar is nominated too~
My vote : Avatar kissing scene for sure! We sick of watching human kissing! (This reason is kinda good huh?)
Best Fight:
There're always fighting scene in a movie.....and let's see who's nominated!!!
Beyonce and Ali Larter in Obsessed...(Nah, still prefer Beyonce singing instead of acting...) And Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber versus Ryan Reynolds in X-Men Origins!! Yes, this is what we call a fighting!!
Logan Lermen vs Jake Abel in Percy Jackson, and Sam Worthington, Stephen Lang in Avatar were nominated too. As well as our Holmes aka Robert Downey Jr fighting with Mark Strong in Iron Man......!? I mean in Sherlock Holmes!
My vote : Of course my vote go to my beloved hubby aka robert downey jr's fighting scene in Holmes!!! Okay, I need to be fair, it has to be Wolverine, Sabretooth and Deadpool fighting scene!! I really love that fighting scene!!! Thumbs up for that!
Best Villain :
Christoph Walt in Inglorious Basterd, Helena Bonham Carter in Alice in Wonderland, Ken Jeong in The Hangover, Stephen Lang in Avatar and Tom Felton in Harry Potter.
My vote : Not really sure.....I think I'll go for Stephen Lang in Avatar...He's kinda annoying....in the movie!
Best Female Performance:
Amanda Seyfield in Dear John (I heard this movie is boring, but I'm kinda interested in watching this movie...who knows?), Emma Watson in Harry Potter (Smart girl....ehem should i say woman that can act and study at the same time.), Kristen Stewart in New Moon, Sandra Bullock in The Blindside and Zoe Saldana in Avatar.
My vote : Zoe Saldana!!! Because I'm sick of human.....AGAIN!? No, seriously, it's really hard to interpret as an Navi' and just imagine she has to "learn" their language and act like them and has a thousand visual tiny little device "stick" on her whole body to capture the emotion of the face and the movement of the body. In the end, she shows us that Zoe Saldana is Neytiti, the Navi' in the Avatar.
Best Male Performance :
(Female fans screaming!!!!) Yay, because there're lots of hunks or sweetheart get nominated this year!
Channing Tatum in Dear John, Daniel Racliffe in Harry Potter, Rob Pattison and Taylor Lautner in New Moon and Zac Afron in 17 again.
My Vote : Zac Afron!!! Not a Twihard fans...(Ok, you can BOO me.....)and what I think about Zac Afron is he really putting effort in acting and trying to do more than just Troy Bolton's kinda role.
Global superstar :
Look at the title, we know that it has to be someone who is popular, huge, and everybody loves them!!!
The nominees are.....Daniel Racliffe, Johnny Depp, Taylor Lautner, Rob Pattison and kristen Stewart. Okay, is this a Twilight movie awards??
My vote : I think the answer is clear enough and with no argument, it should be Johnny Depp, Barber, Pirates, Choco Factory Owner, Mad Hatter, Mafia, Bank Robber....none of the character that Johnny Depp can't handle, and Johnny did play the role well too. He's so talented and he deserve to be global superstar. Psss...actually he already is a global superstar.
Best Movie :
Alice in Wonderland, Avatar, New Moon, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, and The Hangover are nominated for best movie.
My vote : All the movie are great but Avatar is the only one that you can see that the director, the crews and the actors pay so much efforts in all the elements in the movie, the visual, the storyline, the character, the surroundings.......They deserve that.
And there are much more categories that I didn't mention like Best WTF Moment, Best Badass Star, Best Breakout Star, Best Comedic Performance and Best Scared-As-SXXt Performance.
Don't keep on wondering who will win, because their destiny is on your.......keyboard!!! This is the link to vote for them : http://www.mtv.com/ontv/movieawards/2010/categories.jhtml
We'll see who's the biggest winner on 6th of June!!!