That's TWO, TWO, two mentions in one day.
- Twilight & New Moon Soundtracks
- Robert Downy, Jr
- My Pretty Pink Ipod Nano
- Michigan Cherry Coffee
Goofus Glass - the original shabby chic
Crowning Glory
My new case!
I hope you enjoyed visiting my booth and case. As always, I so enjoy your visits and your comments. Here's to a gentle week. Sea Witch
Updates and Thanks
Hi there everyone,
I just wanted to get an update to everyone on how the baby is doing. Many of you are on facebook and have already heard, but for those of you who haven't this is for you.
Emberjayne came home on Jan 15th after seven days in the NICU. All her blood work and cultures taken from the spinal tap came back negative. She did not have a skull fracture- it was simply a line on her skull that is actually part of the way her skull is formed. She did have a subdural bleed but it will go away on it's own.We still don't know if this caused the seizures or the seizures caused the bleed or were completely unrelated. CPS did try to make a home visit, but were called off as soon as the x-rays were officially confirmed by an expert at Loma Linda. The EEG did show spikes of activity that could be evidence of current seizures or simply "left-overs' from the ones she already had. We will learn more at our neurology follow up visit on February 4th. In the meantime she has already seen our local pediatrician who told me that if I had not handed him the doctor's reports regarding this whole incident, he would never have been able to tell she ever had any issues at all.Neurologically she seems perfect. She has already gained a pound over her birth weight and has grown two inches.We are still working on nursing, but I am pumping well and she is not being supplemented with any formula. She will have to remain on anti-seizure medication for the time being, and despite my initial fears that she would seem drugged and sleepy all the time, she has gotten used to the medicine and has very normal alert times for her age. She is very wiggly and almost wiggles off her play mat on the floor, not to mention out of her swaddling blankets!
God has been so amazing through all of this. Just when we thought we couldn't take anymore, my husband's truck broke down. Since he is self-employed and uses that truck for work, it was another major setback for us. God however uses these "setbacks" as an opportunity to show us His grace, which he most certainly has. Baby Ember is living up to her middle name! The truck was towed(free of charge) and fixed with help from others and now runs better than ever. We felt that the storm had lifted and the sun was shining the moment we were told we could take our little girl home, and that was enough for us. God how ever has continued to provide. Wonderful families from our church have provided us with dinners all of this past week. On top of that, other friends are providing dinners all of this week.
In the middle of the storm, we were so supported by the love and prayers of so many people. Literally there were people around the country and around the world praying for Ember and for us as a family.
Please know that I really could feel that and without it, I might be writing a very different story. My mom-in-law deserves a sainthood as she took care of all the needs of our older three kids so that we could be with the baby as much as possible and My sis-in-law made a 400 mile trip just to help out as well. My family near the hospital put us up for the week so we could be closer to the hospital as well as provided us with amazing emotional and prayer support. It is times like these that we truly learn about our dependence on God and upon the body of Christ- and wonder why we would ever try to manage on our own.
At this point we don't know exactly what the future holds for us- as if anyone does- but we are confident that God will be there loving and supporting us come what may- through His own sovereign grace or through the amazing actions of prayer warriors, neighbors, friends, and family members in Christ!
Love In Christ,
The Moses Family
Running out of month.

Next on my "hit list" is to transfer all inventory data to a new excel setup. I have been using Access for my inventory for years but have found that it is more program then what I ended up using so I have revamped the way I want to use the inventory data and wanted to transfer it all over to the new excel format I created. Spent the last 5 days creating and moving the data and it is finally complete. I LOVE IT. (I know, I know, I can get excited about the simplest of things). This will make my inventory management much easier and I like how quickly the data changes with the quick click of an assigned filter. Magic is what it is...Magic.
Gotta get back to the pool too. I'm missing my water aerobics and a mermaid out of water is never truly happy.
Speaking of mermaids, how cool is this Art Deco lamp. I would love to have this marvelous piece. Crazy mad about the blue stained glass that leaves the color of tropical waters on the ladies of the sea.
Enough of my rambling and on with my plans for this evening. I will price more items for the glass case at Queen of Hearts, watch Project Runway and enjoy a hot cup of tea with my honey sitting next to me, life is good. Wishing everyone a delightful day. Sea Witch