It's a reality show which I watching recently and I feel that it's unique and very different from the other reality show I've watch.
Giuliana is the host of E!, yes the one you saw most of the time co-host with Ryan Seacrest. And Bill is an entrepreneur that hired by Trump organization....Cool!!!
Well this reality show is about the life of them after they married, and I think both of them make a cute couples. Sometimes it's really....very reality haha. Bill is an entrepreneur so it's hard for him not to relate things to business and Giuliana is celebs....part of celebs and she's more needed to be take care by Bill so it's really fun to see how they spend their life together. Giuliana's assistant Jacobi is very cute (em can i use the words cute? But i think he really suits to be Giuliana's assistant though). There're sometimes really funny for this reality show and it reflects reality too like Bill and Giuliana is from different states so it's hard for them to get together always....sigh.
I think this reality show is worth to least I actually think that it's better than Kardashian reality show. Well I'll like to recommend Gene Simmons Family Jewels, the bass guitarist of KISS, I like this reality show a lot because it's so interesting and funny, almost every episode of it is sooo attracting.
(PS : I just remember that I haven't check out Bon Jovi documentary...shame on me to forgot such an important thing, still searching for MTV musiv video awards Japan 2008....anyone?)