Shameless plug? Never! Just want to share with you all my favorite place to shop for all things vintage. Yes, I have a booth here. Yes, I adore the hags that run it and the more than 50 dealers we have there; all who are creative, talented and terrific people. Yes, I keep their website current...and YES...I shop there. A lot. I went in late Saturday afternoon to take new pictures for the website and as usual, I didn't make it to the back area where my booth is located...instead I was sidetracked by a lovely silver mesh purse from the turn of the century that "I needed." Grabbed that out of one of my favorite booths, My Vintage Heart, and started a pile at the front desk. And so it goes almost every weekend. I go in for pictures and I come out with treasure. With so many wonderful things inside Vintage Village it is easy to get sidetracked. After making updates to the Vintage Village website which included new slide shows, I decided I wanted to share some with you. (Which brings me to this posting.)

The Vintage Village website, chock full of all things Vintage Village; our events, pets picks, punch coupon, and lots of photos. ( New photo slide shows are uploaded about every two weeks. Click on the link to visit the cyber side of Vintage Village.
So many wonderful things to see that you just don't know where to turn first.
tone on tone is always a lovely theme and is an eye pleasing background palette for other items like the highly sought after flow blue p
ieces on the shelf unit.
Pretty crystal chandeliers abound in Vintage Village. If you are looking for one, this is the place to come as we have them in every size you could want. Sweet vintage christening dress, pretty cabbage rose bowls and plates and a cottage cupboard in a soft green patina are offered by My Vintage Heart.
Delightful vintage records in bright yellow or red and different size corks are terrific for your altered art pieces.
I am crazy about this vintage paper chest of drawers. My mom always had seasonal sweaters in these when I was growing up. Fantastic price at $32.00.
The famous "Black Cat" poster. Very French!

Sweet Victorian child and puppy painting in lovely vintage frame.
I hope you all have the opportunity to come visit the friendly dealers at Vintage Village. We adore meeting making new friends and saying hello and thank you to old ones.
Oh, and that silver mesh bag that I acquired like the shameless, vintage bag collecting hussy that I it is.