There's treasure everywhere!
Bill Waterson's delightful characters, Calvin and Hobbes, know that treasure can be found in the most unlikely places.
Their joy of discovery in the smallest of objects and in their everyday pleasures always brings a smile to my face. I'm afraid I am like one of their cartoon characters because I identify so much with their interesting worlds. Treasure is everywhere and you don't necessarily have to go out and find it. Often it will find you if you are willing to open your eyes to it.
Wonderful Jadeite dishes with pretty flower pattern. Priced right too!
I love this Victorian print of a child and a mother or teacher exploring strange and foreign lands through a globe. Pretty oval frame.
Shabby garden/cottage green house, perfect place to showcase "your" special treasures.

One of my weekly joys is that I have the marvelous task of taking photos of the booths at Vintage Village for the VV website --
This provides me with the opportunity to look deeper inside an individual's booth for that web-perfect photo and this often leads me to "treasure(s)" found within. When I came across this delightful, framed photograph of a little girl in her "Indian dress up garb" I laughed out loud as it brought back many memories of me as a young girl, also dressed up like an Indian, as I played "Cowboys and Indian's" with neighborhood kids.
Of course, we also played "cops and robbers" too. I'm sure those reading this who are generation electronics wouldn't understand the subtle and social nuiances of playing cops and robbers or cowboys and indians, but this was part of the social play structure that neighborhood kids played when I was growing up. Jumping from Brooklyn foxhole to Brooklyn foxhole (burned out, abandoned cars for those not from NY/NJ area), we either hid from or routed out bad guys/gals, we righted wrongs, and communities were safe to go on another day. Items that invoke joyful memories are true treasures and treasures are to be found everywhere within Vintage Village. So with these few snapshots, I hope to tempt you into seeking out childhood memories and other treasures within Vintage Village.