Sneak Peak - Great Majestic Sea Swap

I'm just finishing up my swap "swag" that I will be shipping to my swap partner located in Germany. This is the first swap that I participated in and nothing like a Majestic Sea theme to get me involved in these blog swaps.The Majestic Sea Swap was offered up by Gypsy Mermaid Life and outlined on her blog link:

Here is a little sneak peak at some of the swag that will be on its way to Germany.

I hope my Majestic Sea Swap partner in Germany will enjoy the items as much as I had putting them together and I can't wait to see what arrives to my address from Germany!

Black iron man suits???

Em I've been reading rumors talks about Iron Man 2 that the suit will be in black color...which is modified by Tony stark.

Gosh, he's hot enough...i mean Robert Downey jr....a black iron man suit....Woowoo~~

Of course this time Stan Lee....which well known with his involvement in each marvel movie will be cameo in Iron Man 2. There's rumors said that he 'll be the Larry King in Iron Man world interview Tony Stark.....Arhh can't wait for that.

The cast of Iron Man 2 is really a strongest attractive point although without them, if only RDJ i'm okay with it too. But with Don Cheadle replacing Terrence Howard....I'm quite confidence with him although i'll hope that Terrence still the one. And Mickey Rourke and Scarlett Johanssen who will respectively be Tony Stark 's enemy and ''lover''. Not to forget to mention Jon Favreau the director as happy hoogan, Tony Stark's driver and bodyguard in the movie....Many didnt noticed about that. I'm very interesting with this haha. Director as a cameo actor. Samuel L jackson in it too. Gwyneth Paltrow....this character should played by me...wakaka. Just kidding.

So it will be released somewhere around may like Iron Man first released date. Wait for that....

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Real life Iron Man

This is why Robert Downey jr is cast to play Tony stark a.k.a Iron Man. Because he is iron man in real life too.

This is a news that i found on the net :

Robert Downey Jr. saved a film extra from a rampaging robot.

The 44-year-old actor halted shooting on 'Iron Man 2' and rushed to help the man, who had been injured during a scene.

A source said: 'Robert charged into a live scene yelling, 'Cut! Cut!' The extra was writhing on the ground in agony after a rampaging evil robot smashed him flat.'
The extra had been involved in a sequence which saw a group of people running away from a group of robotic villains.

Although the man was accidentally hit by a stuntman in an iron costume, filming continued because no-one noticed he was in pain.

The source added to the National Enquirer magazine: 'Cameras kept cranking until Robert, who wasn't in the scene, suddenly noticed one extra twisting in pain and moaning, 'Help, I've broken something.' '

Robert called for paramedics and comforted the man until they arrived.

The injured extra was taken to hospital, where he was diagnosed with a broken hip.

How nice of him.....

Plant Lavender for luck and fall in love whenever you can.

This has been a crazy two weeks and doing mundane things like placing fresh, wind whipped sheets on the bed and sprinkling them with lavender powder has a way of setting things right in my world. The scent of fresh lavender is my favorite next to the scent of the sea and this time of the year is when lavender farms often bloom with spectacular color. Waves of purple as far as the eye can see, I want to fall into them,
lay down with the sun shining on my face,
and just rest in the arms of nature.
So in the words of Sally Owens, "Can love travel back in time and heal a broken heart? I'd like to think so. There are some things I know for certain. Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Plant lavender for luck.
And fall in love whenever you can."

An Independence Day Eagle

I can't say I join with all the frenzy over our new president but it is a historic occasion and a time to reflect on the rich history of our great nation. So in honor of that, I present you with an Independence Day Art Project!

This project was done in chalk pastel, which I love for it's superior blendability. Achieving soft and realistic results is really easy with this versatile albeit messy medium.

You will need:

Chalk pastels
pastel paper(construction paper with a rough texture will work too!)
silver star stickers(the kind we lived for in elementary school)

Draw the flag in first. You will probably want to use a ruler and plan out your measurements. (What a perfect way to add math skills to an art lesson!) There are thirteen stripes to represent the original thirteen states. I could only fit 12 on mine, but that is okay since it is kind of a cropped viewpoint. There should be 50 stars, but obviously the eagles wings will cover a lot of them, so just eyeball it the best you can. The stars should have one point going up and two going down. You can learn more about the history of the flag at this website.
Enchanted learning also has a great little book you can print out for younger kids to read and color.
Here is a step by step tutorial for drawing the eagle.

When adding color, complete the background first. Add in white stripes first, then red, and then the blue in the star area. blend with your finger, tissue, or q-tip.
Color the beak with a lighter yellow and accent the shadow with a sandy tan. Color the head white and add feathers with blue, brown, and a little black.Blend. Color the iris of the eye with the sandy tan and the pupil with black. Make sure to leave a white accent in the black pupil to show the shiny wetness of the eye. You can color the rest of the body and wings with brown, except for the end of the tail feathers which will be white. Add black happy face shapes to show feathers in the wings. In the body, keep the lines straighter. Add a little extra black to the back wing to make it appear darker and thereby father away. Blend until perfect, add a few white and tan accents on the wings to show lights. Make sure to this in the bones of the wings as well which would catch more light.
Be sure to spay your painting with a fixative to protect it.
(I sometimes use aerosol hairspray for this. It is inexpensive and way less toxic.)

I'm melting...

I'm melting, oh what a world, what a world. AAAAHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh!

A lovely afternoon at the YMCA pool, we come home at 5:00 pm and walk in to a house that feels like a blast furnace. You guessed it, our A/C went out sometime during the day and on the hottest day of the year in HOTlanta, we show an indoor temp of 94 degrees. In the words of the great Elphaba...I'm melting or more accurately, my honey, my canine and me were melting. So, it's Father's Day Sunday, the A/C is broke and we are wearing ice chance of anyone coming to do an emergency repair so we will have to wait until tomorrow. In the meantime, we will watch an "Ice Road Truckers" marathon in hopes of feeling cool , drink lots of ice water and sit around in as little as possible with cold, damp wash cloths on our heads. NICE! LMAO!!!

But when all is said and done, we have each other and the kiddie pool outside is looking inviting again. Here's to tomorrow and an AC repairman. Stay cool!

Floating my weekend away!

It has been a long week and all I want to do is grab my man and my sister and run to the YMCA outdoor pool, drop my floatie raft in the water, and float Saturday away. I've got my sunscreen, my picnic hamper, and a good summer read and I won't come home until my tootsies are as pruney as the feet in this pic.

Life is good folks, have a wonderful weekend--the Sea Witch.

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