Oh My Gosh it's a Bosch! Part Two the Art Lesson
By Kendall- Age 9
The Art Lesson-
Bosch was a Dutch Surrealist Painter in the 15th and 16th century. This is 400 years before most people think surrealism really began. Artists like Salvador Dali took the art form to it's highest peak in the early 20th century. The art form incorporates realism in fantastic and often nightmarish situations.
Bosch explored the both the good and bad extremes that people can sometimes be. In this we will do the same through depicting beauty and monsters together.
Bosch was a Dutch Surrealist Painter in the 15th and 16th century. This is 400 years before most people think surrealism really began. Artists like Salvador Dali took the art form to it's highest peak in the early 20th century. The art form incorporates realism in fantastic and often nightmarish situations.
Bosch explored the both the good and bad extremes that people can sometimes be. In this we will do the same through depicting beauty and monsters together.
9" x 12" piece of drawing paper
black sharpie
oil pastels
9" x 12" piece of drawing paper
black sharpie
oil pastels
1. Fold the paper in half lengthwise. On one side draw the side of a vase in pencil. Start at the top corner and make curves all the way down to the bottom of the paper.

2. Now draw the same curves on the other side in a mirror image.

3 Some of you will recognize this as a drawing exercise called "vase faces" or "gargoyles". If you look carefully you will see the profile of two rather grotesque figures in the curves you have just made. Now it's time to play them up and make them as bad as you can.

4. Once you are happy with how horrifying your profiles are, make as pretty a face as you can in the middle space left by the profiles.(see the Botticelli Face of Venus lesson for a face drawing tutorial)

5. If you have any white space left fill it up with pictures of things you like and don't like. (For instance kitty cats and broccoli)
6. Use a black sharpie to go over all the pencil lines, and then color in with a combination of marker and oil pastel.

7. Bosch used his paintings to tell stories, so as an extension of this activity you can write a story about what it happening in your picture.
More pieces from the kids gallery
This lesson has just been used by Tech4Learning in their Spring 2009 issue of Creative Educator to support the integration of technology,
art, and language in the classroom using their Pixie2 software
(which my kids love by the way, though it was not used to create this lesson
and is not necessarily needed to complete it)