The Tiger Lesson

In my previous post I discussed the artist Ito Jakuchu. One of his most famous paintings is of a tiger. So for this lesson I chose to draw a tiger. Below is a step-by step slideshow of how to draw this tiger. It is a bit rough as I drew it out in paint using only my mouse. I did not add any color. In my original picture, I used chalk pastel, though in my lessons this week we will be using marker.

For now, here is the slide show...

Student Examples

By Ryan
Age 7

By Gabi Age 10

Relax, sit down and listen to this song...

Relax and sing along please....

Feel so damn nice...

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King Tut's All Broken Up- Make an Egyptian Mosaic Paper Collage

Last week in art class we did a lesson on King Tut's Mask. You can find a great step by step lesson on how to draw the mask at
Art Projects for Kids.
Unfortunately quite a few of my students did not make it to class last week. So instead of letting all those kids miss that project or making the kids who came redo the project, I decided to combine it with my lesson on Roman mosaics. I ended up with some pretty terrific results and the kids all really enjoyed the project.

What you will need

8 1/2" X 11" white cardstock with 5 x 5 grid
(kids can either measure and draw out the grid or you can preprint one on
the cardstock like this one)

Markers(regular and metallic)

Black Sharpie Markers (fine and extra fine point)
12" x 12" colored piece of cardstock (I like scrapbook cardstock)


1. Start by having kids pick two colors. Use these two colors to color the outside 14 squares of the grid in an alternating pattern. There should be nine left in the center.

2. Draw King Tut in pencil in the remaining nine squares. Make Tut's face exactly in the center square and then follow the rest of the steps at Art Projects for Kids.

3. Once Tut is all drawn in kids can color him in as well as the background behind him. If they are using metallic markers have them use Sharpie to outline Tut.
Metallic markers are opaque and will cover up their pencil lines completely. They go over sharpie too so be careful.
The sharpie should make the line thicker though
so it will be easier not to cover their lines completely.
They can also add design to the border tiles

(Egyptian hieroglyphics of their names perhaps?)

4. Once everything is colored in, have them cut out the
squares along the grid lines.

If they have lost the lines because of coloring, re-pencil
in the lines using a pencil and ruler.

5. Once all the squares are cut out, arrange them
on the 12 x 12 cardstock leaving a uniform space
between each of the paper tiles.
These will be the "grout lines".

6. After the tiles are arranged to their satisfaction,
begin gluing the tiles down.

7. Once the glue is dry, using Sharpie to outline the edges of each tile can give a more dramatic look to the finished piece as can mounting the piece on another piece of larger contrasting paper as I did in my sample.

You can do quite a bit with this as an educational project. Put whatever you are studying in the center and then add design elements of what you've learned about that subject in the border tiles. If you were studying deserts you could put a cactus in the middle and then put desert animal designs on the border tiles. You are limited only by your imagination. This can be a good introduction to symbolism as well as color theory by suggesting kids use complimentary colors
or alternating warm and cool colors.

These are examples completed by two of my students.

This one was done by a 13 year old student.

This one was done by an 11 year old student.

It started with a cigar store label.

I love packaging, displays, vintage and pop culture art. A friend of mine built a website for a local cigar store and he brought back an armload of cigar boxes. Beautiful ladies adorned them and I thought, what fun these faces would be on brooch's. So, I dug out my beveled glass and copper foil from past stained glass projects, downloaded public domain photos and like a mad woman began creating these "big bang'in brooches." (add a pretty ribbon or your favorite chain and you can utilize them as a pendant)

Victorian postcard images, storybook characters, pop culture icons and other images that had me laughing out loud found their way behind the beveled glass. I pinned one to my floppy, let's go antique'in/junkin hat because every hat should have a little sass. The cigar box label brooches have all sold to cigar smokers who were wise enough to bring home a little gift after hanging around with the boys playing cards all night. (I'mma gal who loves a good bribe, especially if it is jewelry)

Some projects just amuse me and this is one that certainly had
me smiling. I hope you enjoy them too.

The Love Peddler is from a dime novel cover, the Irish lass and Red Cross worker are from Victorian postcards, and our cheerleader is from a pinup calendar.

The great Eartha Kitt, the definitive catwoman and a pinup at the beach!

Pinup gals from calendars and of course, the fabulous Josphine Baker.

Fairy tale and storybook illustrations and an Edwardian post card.

Sacred Heart icons, pinup gal and the great Billy Holliday.

Images that make me smile. Nothing like Doris Day looking back at you, love the wild eyed swami and my personal favorite, the government issue WW2 stamp out syphilis poster!

and last by not least, more Victorian post card images.

(Dari, the artist, lives with her man and her rescued dog and would rather be making jewelry, antiquing and junkin, baking and diving than working her 8 - 5 gig.)

The soloist get good reviews!!!!

The Soloist - Wallpaper Pictures, Images and Photos

The soloist which just hit the cinema get some good reviews all over the net. Although the box office isn't that good as i expect. The soloist only get into no.4 in the box office.

Although things doesn't goes well for the soloist after few times of postpone and not that good box office. But so far people that've watch this movie got a good review about them. Says that is a movie that is real touching (as in my expectation...) and during the dialogue between the conversation is really humour too. Movie that tells a pure friendship.

The Soloist - Wallpaper Pictures, Images and Photos

And some says Robert Downey jr outshines Jamie Foxx in this movie. Haha glad to hear that. Most reviewer praise a lot on the cast acting skill.

I can't wait no more. Tired of waiting this movie to be released on the screen in Malaysia. I dont even think that it'll be or maybe after some times. I can't help myself...please either showing on the cinema or released the dvd. I'll gives up on Keith urban album to buy this movie dvd.

Middle east man~~~@_@

Article that wrote for myself....haha hidden article. Hopefully.

No doubt i'm having an addiction to middle east man. I just dont get it but it happens.

Middle east man doesn't mean like Ja'afar, the bad guy in Alladin...(He dont look good) For me, i like middle east man or i think i better say middle east male because they have a really special feature...For example, LARGE eyes (which i dont have...), Beard (Which i dont have too....) But dont know how their attitude is....

They have the most beautiful eyes on earth. I can feel like there's something in their eyes looks interesting. Their eyelash~~~you dont found that thick eyelash in asian male. Or even American, Italian, French or whoever from other races.

Mostly their beard....sometimes i really doubt myself why i'm so interested in beard. I mean if i were a man, i'll definitely keep a beard. Haha i think it sound really awkward suddenly i wrote about this ''title''. This is because....i saw a really handsome middle east male yesterday when i'm working. Hehe.

That time i'm wander around my working shop and i found that there's a middle east male and a female in the shop. They're not important. So i think that might have some around. So i scan around and get one outside our shop. He's soooooooooooooo handsome (almost fainted....).Looks a bit like Danny Gokey with recent a little beard on.He's wearing a white tee. Eating chewy sweet, colouful cute. Haha he of course have a large and big and beautiful pair of eyes. And he keeps a little beard. Not those really heavy those slightly. Barely can see.隐约可看见. Feel so shy...hehe. He wander outside the shop. So i stand in front of the shop entrance to see it clearer BUT damn it, a customer is enquiring me about the product.....After that, he's gone. If he enter thew shop, i'm sure to promote my product to him....Grrr, the customer!!!! But after that i saw another middle east male looks like the comedian or i think is Jeffrey dean morgan. Okay Okay only...

But i think that one i saw at Burger King at sunway is the best i've ever seen. I still remember the cat is with me. The middle east man is tall and looks quite tough,from his body shape. And when he turn around. WAAAAAA, he looks like Robert downey jr...maybe handsome than him,no no no...can compared to him. And after he finish ordering because he is next to us. When i'm discussing with the cat, another middle east man ( not handsome one...dont know who he is...)turn to me and smile. Yeeee....O_0'' what the hell he doing....I still remember the cat feel really fuuny and straight away laughing. From that moment, i become very alert to middle east male...and i like to go sunway more often.

I'm not feeling quite right writting down this but i think it is really ''special''. I'm feeling myself a gold fish right now. Haha....maybe i'll delete it soon

"I must go down to the sea again...

to the vagrant gypsy life, To the gull's way and the whale's way where the wind's like a whetted knife; And all I ask is a merry yearn from a laughing fellow-rover, and quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over." I love these words by John Masefield, a man who trained for the sea life in order to break his "addiction to reading." His time aboard a ship only fueled his reading time and from this he decided to become a writer, a story-teller. I smile as a I write this because as bloggers we have all become storytellers, who knew?

My earliest memories are of water. My mother and father spent summers at Jones Beach and Cape Hatteras in the 1940-50s and when their eldest daughter was born, it was only natural that she be carried to the sea along with the picnic hamper. I remember sitting in the sand and digging holes to China, building sandcastles and decorating them with the seaweed that the tides would bring in. I would carry home sand in my shoes and pockets full of shells and sea glass. The sea shells I still have today, along with rocks and minerals and crystals and fossils and other bounty from nature, but that is for another blog. I have a photo of me all of 9 months old, sitting in the sand wearing a sun bonnet at Jones Beach...funny little black and white photo that I cannot put my hands on. Once I find it, I will upload and add to this posting.

It was 1957 and the "burbs" were calling so my folks left the city and moved to Lincoln Park, New Jersey. Dad got tired of the long, hot bumper to bumper drive to Jones Beach and decided to install an in-ground pool in our backyard. Big stuff in 1960, it was a tiny little thing (10 feet by 20 feet) but we loved it and lived in it all summer long. This family shot of the women around the pool, from left to right - "me" (eight years old and in fins--natch), my sister Barbara age 6 and my baby sister Renee, age 2 and our beautiful mother.

As a child, I discovered that a towel, tightly wrapped around my legs would not make me a mermaid, so I would have to seek other alternatives to becoming waterbound. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the only two people who met that criteria were Aquaman and Mike Nelson (Lloyd Bridges) of Sea Hunt. I devoured Aquaman comics and sat glued to the black and white Magnovox watching Mike Nelson save the day. At the conclusion of each episode, Mr. Bridges always made a public service announcement to the viewers to treat the sea kindly. A steward of the water world, he was handsome and had a tank on his back with a mouthpiece that fed you became a waterbreather. Even then I knew that I must have this amazing apparatus that will let you breathe underwater.

Fast forward many years and I am a 54 year old woman with a dive certification, scuba gear, and a man who is a Padi instructor. I found my Aquaman and we both travel the Keys and the Caribbean in search of water worlds.
It's me...a siren of the sea!
Big, beautiful Southern Stingray sleeping in the white sands of a Bahamian Reef. (Canon Elph digital/Ikelite housing)
Say hello to my little friend! this 7 foot Caribbean Reef Shark followed me for about 8 minutes, coming about a foot from me. Thank goodness he looks fat and happy because I had no interest in being an underwater happy meal. (Canon Elph/Ikelite housing)
The beauty of a Grand Bahama Island reef. These are the natural colors of these corals set against brilliant turquoise blue waters. (my dad's old point and shoot underwater film camera.

Port Lucaya beach at sunset. a perfect end to a day in the water.

And so I go down to the sea whenever I can for it sustains me.

My Ping in

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