Blue moon count down to 2010

Greetings and blessings to everyone these last few hours of 2009.  My honey and I are busy packing to return back home tomorrow morning.  We had a wonderful time in Cancun.  Not sure I will return, prefer Puerto Vallerta and  Cozumel as Cancun is kind of for the MTV, Spring Break crowd and the locals have adapted to that. 

We are blessed with a blue moon to end 2009 and ring in 2010.   I took these shots a few moments ago and wanted to share them with you.  Both are taken from the balcony of our hotel in Cancun overlooking hotel row. (all photos enlarge if you click on them)

Wishing everyone the joy of family and friends, good health and prosperity for 2010. 

Under the Sea

Hello my friends, come dive with me today.  This SeaWitch cannot be happier.  I spent the afternoon diving in Cancun at a reef location called Manchones Reef.   This was my first dive in Cancun and although this particular reef did not have the large coral beds that I see so often in the Florida Keys and the Bahamas, the fish life was all over the place. I have posted a few shots for you.  So much color and they are unafraid of divers and will often swim right next to you.  (photos taken with Canon Sureshot Elph in Ikelite housing...all photos will enlarge if you double click on them.)

Happy little grunts swimming around fan corals.

One of my favorite much color and activity.

Closeup of grunt in front of large coral head.

This French Angel Fish was the size of a large dinner plate.

Juvenile Blue Tang.  One of my favorite species.  These fish are brilliant blue and this little guy measured about 4 inches in length and had the palest shade of lemon yellow on his tail. 

A good size Trunkfish.  Measured about a foot in length.

Another large school of grunts.

I hope you enjoyed cyber diving with me.   My honey and I are off to Tulum tomorrow to view the Mayan ruins.  Pictures will follow.  Via Con Huevos everyone!  Sea Witch

The Merriest of Christmas to you all.

It is 8:21 pm EST and I should be packing for my getaway to Cancun.  Yes, my honey and this mermaid have a dive trip planned for the last week of this year and I'm running around trying to get everything ready for our flight tomorrow. 

Instead, I just wanted to stop.  Breathe.  And give thanks for all that has been given me this year.  Among so many things, it has been the gift of this blog.  Who would have thought that this simple little venue would reap such blogasphere friendships.  I  have come to know you all in a delightful way. From the joys in your life to those that are soulfully painful. I would not have missed any of it.  Thank you dear friends, for inviting me into your world and sharing all of your gifts.  You have inspired me, shared your creativity and have given me your friendship.  For this I shall always be grateful. 

I wish for you all, the Merriest of Christmas', the happiest and healthiest of new year's and may we all prosper in only good ways.  I will be blogging throughout my trip so if you have a moment, stop by and say hello. Sea Witch

Sherlock Holmes Review

Yep, I can't believe I'm finally writting Sherlock Holmes review since the day this movie start shooting till the end of the day it is on the cinema big screen, I'm talking about it non-stop.

First of all, this is a little lower than my expectation eventhough my talented RDJ is in it, i gotta say that, maybe I always put too high expectation whenever there's a RDJ movie. Why I say so? I guess Guy Ritchie get used to film action based movie so this leads to a full action packed Sherlock Holmes and lack of a little investigation in it. In another words will be it lacks of "angel and demon" elements. Whenever the crime scene happens in this movie and the way they investigate the crimes, it's lack of the impact and I don't think I got trigger by "Wow, i wanna know what happens next" or "Oh, who did the crime??"....BINGO, yes it didn't trigger the curiosity of the audience!!!

The fight scenes is all good....Guy Ritchie will never let you down in action scenes. Of course, you can clearly see that Robert Downey jr aka Sherlock Holmes is fighting with wing chun kung fu in this movie....Huh, sherlock holmes practice wing chun??? Haha but it's real cool. And the slow motion fighting scenes with explanation is something that oustanding and unique.....and hilarious. They did put a lots of efforts in doing that slow motion fighting scenes so enjoy it. Well, I gotta say this movie is hilarious though, check out conversation between Watson and Holmes, they are a little bit intimate in this movie, don't you think so?

And i find out there's a scenes in the trailer but not in the movie, the scenes that Rachel Adams aka Irena Adler kicks RDJ aka Sherlock Holmes private parts. But sometimes they say they will involves some scenes in the trailer which will not be in the movie. It's quite impossible that i miss out any scenes when I watching this movie since someone is in it so i think it's usual edited trailer things.

"You know that I can't live without you," Holmes to Watson.

Gotta say Sherlock in this movie is very different from the usual should-it-be Sherlock but I gotta say this sherlock makes me got an new idol because the new sherlock is funny, hot, weird but really smart!!! He has a good observation....and like to play violin a lot haha, as well as experimenting on himself or anything he can find. Well, director and lead actor Guy Ritchie and Downey used to call Jude Law HOT-son, once he got cast as Dr.Watson. He's really hot (in my opinion not as hot as Downey kekeke). Sometimes I can see Sherlock like a little bit of jealous when Watson is with his fiancee but it's really fun to have such a watson-holmes relationship in this movie, haha they are really really good buddies like brothers i think.

Wooo~~~Nice hot bods.

And there is one thing i really not satisfy with in this movie.....Rachel Adams kiss Downey!!!! Okay, i know i'm talking something nonsense again, haha. I hate it....but it has to be like that. I think this should be Downey wife thought when it comes to this scenes because she is one of the director.

I think that movie in nowadays like to involves with straight forward jokes in the movie. Well, actually overall it is quite okay though but just lack of something which can makes the movie better, for sure that there will be sequel which is regard on the new....not really new enemy, Moriaty, which first they say Brad Pitt is cast for this character. No way....I prefer the others actor maybe johnny depp, haha. Oh ya, Robert Downey jr in last part did some fencing with the Mark Strong, from that i can see that he totally qualify for Pirates of the carribean. And I like Downey in the Doctor outfits and well as the eye patch looks.

Conclusion, sherlock holmes can FIGHT!!!! Of course can investigate too (of course he can, he's so smart).....that's why Downey keep saying he loves all the actions when filming Holmes.

(PS : After this movie, I guess I'm quite interested with Holmes character....he's weird but smart. Gotta hunt for another movie.....)

Meet Fragrant Liar

You know how you meet someone for the first time and in that moment you realize you have known this person all of your life?  Well that is how I feel about Fragrant Liar.  In her profile, she states "This is where I rant, rave, reflect, and ROFLMAO. Feel free to do the same. Let's be clear: I am irreverent, and I like me that way. Grab a libation, kick back, and share your thoughts -- and don't lie to me, cuz I'll know."

 You must read her most recent post, it will have you laughing out loud.  Now, Ms. Liar writes boldly and provacatively and uses lots of descriptive language, slang and a cuss word or two.  So there, my only have been warned.  Here is an excerpt from "Good Enough:"

Dear Santa Baby,

I think I've been exceedingly good this year. Or at least good enough. Look at it this way . . .
 It's really not that bad to cuss habitually. My dad and mom always do it and I don't want to disappoint them by breaking with a beloved family tradition.

Always telling the truth is overrated. Little white lies are actually beneficial under opportune circumstances, and saving my own ass is Priority One because, really, this shows that I love myself. It's a proven fact that one must love oneself first in order to love others.

Vanity is just part of being a woman. Because of all my nurturing aspects and shit, I take pride in my appearance so I can be a good example for my daughters. How else would they know how much makeup and jewelry to don before they do anything strenuous?

Shooting the bird at strangers and loved ones alike is educational. 

If you want to read more, you most click on the above link to access her wise and funny words.  Ms. Liar is a woman's humorist.  You will recognize yourself in much of her words and that, my friends, is what I enjoy most about her postings.   Sea Witch

Bodyguards and assassins review

I never thought that I'll watch a hong kong film in cinema....unless that i really interested but i just did and it is all because of no choice, i'm deciding to watch avatar but SOLD OUT make me watch this film.

But you know what??? This movie is great. It's by Donnie Yen, "IP man" actually should pronounced as Yip Man. This movie is a politic-based movie but it's not boring at all. Action is involved so don't worry about that this gonna be a boring movie. However it's a little bit too violence though. I mean the scene.

However this is a nice movie, better than i thought. Love those action moves by Donnie Yen, he's great wing chun fighters. Leon Lai character the beggar is kinda cool too. He's actually very good in fighting but gotta mentioned one things, most of them died in this movie.

The part where they want to protect Sun Zhong San is the climax part of the movie which involving many action scene, well, a movie that relate to politics can be made into such interesting is not easy, you guys should check it out.

The conclusion is just check this movie out by yourself. But i think this movie is a little too fast, i mean in the sense of they carry 5 days in the movie in one movie. (I know kind of confusing right???) Hong Kong movie ain't all bout gangster.....sometimes there can be a nice movie too. Thumbs up!!!

(PS : tomorrow going to watch Sherlocks Holmes....Hooray, i can see i'll have a nice review for it tomorrow...for sure!!! Confidence with Downey acting skill...)

A Little Early Christmas Present

No she is not here yet, but we were treated to a great surprise today. Because of some minor quirks with my pregnancy, we had to do another sonogram. Nothing major and all is well but
this time we got a 4D pic of her face.
Isn't she gorgeous? God truly does amazing work!

Tree Bling.

Is it just me or do the trees look more lovely this year than in the past?  Is this difficult economy making us want to ensure that our homes are filled with those traditions that bring fond memories of family, friends and comfort?  I think so.  These tight shots are of trees displayed at Queen of Hearts,where I have my booth.  All have a unique personality and showcase those themes that we individually cherish.  I could have gone home with any one of them, all so lovely to look at.

Vintage bulbs, ornaments and bits of Americana.

This lovely white tree showcases silver metallics, vintage ornaments and white jingle bells

Joyful holiday red and silver.  Vintage ornaments and glitter messages of the season hang from this 6 foot vintage aluminum tree. Spectacular.

This unique tree is perfect for a Sea Witch Christmas or anyone whose passion is the sea.  White tree is filled with decorated scallop shells, pieces of drift wood and soft pink and blue toile ornaments.  Tiny white lights made a lovely backdrop.

Nothing says neighborhood like this tree I saw at our local Waffle House.  They always decorate for the troops and this year they guessed it...WAFFLES.  How can you not smile after seeing this.  Whether a big city or a small community, it is the neighbors in your "neighborhood" that truly make you feel a part of your locale. Wishing you a wonderful Monday.  Sea Witch

Charlie and the chocolate factory + Where got ghost review

Yes two movie in a row......

First I've watch Charlie and the chocolate factory which 've been a hits for so looooooong ago. I'm interested to watch this movie, first because of Johnny Depp, can't deny he's a talented actor and secondly, i wanna see that how they convert a novel chocolate wonderland into this movie.

I love Johnny Depp clean-shaved look. He looks good, don't you think so?

Well, the storyline of this movie is.....em, not to say that it is very intesresting, but....what i mean is the novel itself got a good storyline. So you know like the story is about chocolate, the fantasy world, interesting character, which is what that make me feel so interested in this movie. If it is by the storyline itself, it may be a little weak, or should i say simple, imaginable stodyline but Roald Dahl 's imagination is really amazed me like on the factory, the character and the environment is great!!! Thumbs up.

Fashionista.....Yes, he is!!!

The character.....Yes, Willy Wonka by Johnny Depp. First of all, i gotta say that Mr.Wonka is really fashoinable, i looooooooove his outfits and style for sure!!!! With Johnny Depp acting skill makes the character perfect. I really love Johnny Depp's acting because he's like different in every movie he's in which is the only thing similar to RDJ and mostly cannot be recognized by most of the people BUT not for me, i'm good at that, ya know (Deep down i admit i'm a movie geek).

I think Charlie's grandpa is also another interesting character which makes the movie more alive....haha. The surrounding is really...what can I say, they really put lots of effort in the movie. The chocolate river is real, some of the trees or plant is not a fake stuff in this movie too. Great!!! I love movie with effort. By the way, the Burton and Depp pair makes no mistakes as we know. So it's a good movie for me. It is very suitable for children because everything seems like all the children will love and curioos about. At last, i would like to work on the invention lab and testing on the product on other peoples haha, any volunteer???

Where got ghost review.....Well singapore movie by Jack Neo. Jack Neo is popular for making educated movie....meaningful and touching yet hilarious for the audience. He's a great director....BUT I guess this would be the worst film he ever made. Well No offend, I'm a fans of his movie but i don't think this movie is as good as what others people think by achieving a really good box office sales in malaysia, sorry I don't get it. There are 3 sub-story in this movie which is a horror comedy movie but mostly comedy. Only the last story is great. The first and second story....i don't even know whether i wanna laugh or I'm scared by the movie. NO.....really no comment for the first two part of the movie. Last part is okay, good. I will say that you can watch it whenever you want to but not a must watch movie though. Sprry to say that, but looking forward more movie from Jack Neo.

(PS : Sherlock Holmes premiere is Dec of 19th....ohhhh, I've missed it!!! Downey looks good at the premiere, the leading man!!!!)

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Robin's Egg Blues Giveaway

Robin's Egg Blues (White Linen/Lavender Field) is one of my blog favorites.

 Her blog is full of elegant simplicity and she has a marvelous affection for all that nature offers.  Robin is hosting a wonderful giveaway on Monday that you must be a part of. 

Pretty silver crowns hung from robin's egg blue ribbon.  I'm dreaming of the spiked crown myself.  I think it is a very Sea Witchy looking crown. (hint, hint, if I am a lucky winner)

Not only is this an incredibly generous giveaway by Robin, but she has shanghaied her sister into also giving away one of her lovely kissing cards.

A crown and a kiss, what more could anyone want and all in those lovely shades of robin's egg blue.  Stop by Robin' blog to obtain more details and if you have never visited her blog, you are in for a wonderful treat.  Blessings to all.  Sea Witch

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