RDJ Hollywood Top Honour
Yes, I know it's kinda late.....it WAS a Monday news that i'm so want to wrote about it. It's RDJ news, of course i wanna wrote about it but....Okay, straight to the point, explanation can be ignored....The most important is Robert Downey Jr got his hollywood honour at Grauman's chinese theatre!!! Yes the hands and footprints ceremony!!!!

Let's pose....is this call a sexy pose???
Serious speech, can you see Tony Stark in him....?
Oh god, a little touchy touchy going on....haha
Woooo~~~is this guy really attractive to Downey? Hell no, his wife is with him during the ceremony....
"What you guys wanna do to me!!!" Oh c'mon it's just a handprints helping.....No worry, Downey.
We can see how hard Downey is putting effort to get next year sexiest man alive....Sexy Downey? Or Sassy Downey.....=='' Of course is neither...is HOT Downey!!!
"No more ink!?"
"Let me see whether this work....."
Innocent Downey playing painting???
Let's enjoy an A-lister services.....You don't have to walk, let's them do the job.....=='' It's them the one who help Downey with those this printings and that printings....Thanks Bro!!!
A sweet ending~~~Downey with his wife.....such a beautiful couples (unlike the other pair of couples, that one the actress with a popular hot country singer), how about a little Downey soon???
So here ends the news....Finally.....but i think a little too late for Downey to accept this honour, he should have this long long time ago, he's such a talented actor!!!
(PS : Little fact....the last superheroes that got the print job done here is...Wolverine, sexy Jackman....By the way, pls vote for RIH!!! sexiest man alive poll just at the right sidebar...Downey fans is SO encourage to vote for Downey keke)