Kingdom hearts.....phew~
Kingdom hearts....sound a little like stranger to me now but you dont know what big effect kingdom hearts give me to the past.....
It is one of the topic which i can communicate with the and only...
Because this is really a good games( better than ff)
another reason...hehe many...handsome guy....(i still remember the guy that the cat like is one of the organisation 13 guy but i forget what his name already...sorry because he is not handsome enough to me to remember his name)
what really the big effect kingdom hearts has give me....??
It help me to be patience....
i dont know the problem is my disc or the play been jam until the end of the games. So that mean average i have to beat a king at leats twice. The most i have to beat is in tarzan world, the stupid lizard i've been beat it for 7 or 8 times and i still clearly remember what tarzan said before the fight begin.
And the character i like the most in KH 1 is Riku...the one with the white hair....

Why?? He is cool....
But Cloud and Leon also not bad.....
In KH2 i prefer Demyx....soooooo cute yet so cool
And another thing i really shame of is that i'm using the same gummi ship to travel until the cat tell me that i can create one....i still remember the cat are laughing at me when i told her that i dont know about it....
It really give me a good reminise about it and i still waiting for KH3 in PS3..i heard that more good graphic ll be done and it will go back to my favourite place in KH the destiny island....