Bon jovi, keith urban or robert downey jr....i'm out of budget!!!
Ok, calm down...
What should i do......
Keith urban.....?

Bon jovi....?

Or robert downey jr...?

Oh my....
Ok keith urban first. He still touring, just become a new daddy...i dont hink he'll make his new album this fast so i can count him out ( i already count him out a long long time ago....) I'm sorry but i really love you and your music. Keith, you are such passion to music ans so do i....passion to you. I already own two of your album so i have to do domething to bon jovi and robert downey jr (RDJ) if not they'll jealous (what'm i talking about...??)...But everytime i listen to keith music his beautiful voice make me count him in again....
Bon jovi.....
I love you but i hate how much i love you so~~
Why you guys always released a deluxe edition after i bought the ''simple'' edition. I really love you guys and if i have to choose between 3 of you, you guys has bigger chances . Because bon jovi has 4 people and keith and RDJ only one. it is more worthy, right...??( ok just kidding...) I heard rumours that Bon jovi are going to released greatest hits...oh this really hit my weakness part, greatest hits of bon jovi, who dont wanna have one?? And i'm really afraid bon jovi released new album because i really cant afford this much. Since they already end their world tour, i think when i'm writting blog, jon and richie must filling up their new song lyrics...
Tropic thunder is coming soon and iron man dvd....
ARHHH...headache!! i feel like my head are going to burst. You are such an good actor and talented. Although the dolphin Sirim company in my class say that keith urban are handsome than you but i dont think're so hot,sexy....
Sorry keith you're not that hot but you are so cute.....HEHE!!
I really confuse now....what should i do??
(ps: dont complaint too much about my article...i just express my own feelings...)