Say it Forward Friday- and the winner is!

One of my very favorite blog buddies and commenters.
Jessica at Art Smarts4Kids
is an awesome writer, teacher, and though she may not agree,
I think a pretty good artist as well!

She helped me title this Tangle.

The title is....
Knossos Eclipse

and her reasoning was this...

The image reminds me of a medieval castle. Medieval castles often had labyrinths. Though not a medieval labyrinth, the labyrinth at Knossos immediately springs to mind when I think about labyrinths. I don't know if you're familiar with the myth, but it says that people were often sacrificed to the Minotaur that was kept in the Knossos Labyrinth. It was so complex that no one could escape. But one man, with the help of his love, found a way. Theseus killed the Minotaur and escaped by following a string that he had unwound behind him as he entered the labyrinth. The bold lines of the tangle make me think of the walls of the labyrinth and the thinner lines that fill in the spaces remind me of the string.

Finally, one of the first things I notice when I look at the picture is the circle in the upper right corner. It makes me think of a lunar eclipse.

Thus, Knossos Eclipse.

And what does she win Bob?

A tangle tree 1 Mug- already on its way!

Can you guess which art lesson inspired "Knossos Eclipse"?

Hint- Check yesterday's post!

My Ping in

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