Read the instructions

He who scorns instruction will pay for it, but he who respects a command will be rewarded." Proverbs 13:13

Almost every product comes with a handbook, a users manual of some sort, or assembly instructions. Whether or not we understand its contents or even bothering opening its pages is our choice. For those who don't choose to check out the users manual , frustration is usually looming not to far off.
How many times have you put something together and then have five or six extra parts left over that you have no idea where to put? And no it's not always because the manufacturer just put extras in the package.
Well, our lives came with a users manual, believe it or not. Whether or not we choose to check out the contents and try to understand it is our choice. And for those who choose to ignore it, it's contents, or its author, frustration, pain, heartache, and grief loom near at every moment.
God gave us His word as our users manual, so that we might heed His instructions and obey His commands, so that we might live more abundantly in this life and be able to experience the never-ending joy of His presence in eternity as well.
How can we ever know about all the wonderful features and options God has designed and woven into the fabric of our lives if we never check out the contents of the users' manual He provided?

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