Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides Review : More Jack Sparrow
Captain Jack Sparrow is back! And this time he guide us to the fountain of youth! Interesting, aye?
As a big Pirates of Caribbean fans, I get really excited when this one came out...uhm, when they say there will not be POTC 4 after the third one, I was like...c'mon, Johnny Depp is so keen doing Jack Sparrow, there must be another one...only that they need to play with the time and the fans! Here they comes, this time the storyline play around the fountain of youth which believes that it can bring back one's youth, not really....you can be immortal by taking one's life (the sacrifice) which require the mermaid's tears, the silver cup and the water from fountain of youth. This is how Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) meet up with Blackbeard (Ian McShane) and his first love Angelica (Penelope Cruz), join their crews unwillingly and fight against the Spain and Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) to get to the fountain of youth.

I think On Stranger Tides is pretty cool, it's not the best but I prefer something like this, it's more likely to the first one. However, I think that the storyline is not as impactful and complicated (complicated in a good sense) like the previous two, Dead Man's Chest and the Curse of the Black Pearl. This is what Disney want to makes it looks like the first of another trilogy and it is directed by a new director, Rob Marshall instead of Gore Verbinski who directed the previous three "Pirates" movie.
I love how they surround the storyline again back to Jack Sparrow and Barbossa. This is the reason why I love POTC. Well, this time they didn't fight against each other but at one point they duo up to get the silver cup together. This is really cool, I think they make the best Pirates team when they collaborate.
Other than the main characters, Blackbeard, Angelica and the mermaid plays a vital role in the movie itself. The Blackbeard played by Ian McShane is quite terrifying, not only for me but for all the pirates in the universe as he can control his ship by using his spell? Yes I think it's spell, he knows some tricks in that. That's why he's powerful and able to threaten another pirates. To be honest, I think I love Angelica character (by Penelope Cruz) rather than Elizabeth Swan (played by Keira Knightley). I'm more preferable to see a pirates to pirates fighting that involved all pirates, Angelica is a pirate, get it? And...the mermaid is beautiful, but then it turns out to be like piranha, haha! Yes, it bites! But I think the scene where the mermaid start singing is quite disappointing. As we know, mermaid is good in singing and they has the voice of an angel when it comes to singing. I was expecting the director will make the mermaid scene as beautiful as it can but then, it's slightly disappointing.
There are some facts or opinion that I would like to state out :
-Finally Barbossa one leg's problem is solved, it's Blackbeard! By the way, it's an advantage to store the rum, so it's kinda cool and fair.
-No monkey Jack and the parrot in this one! Only cameo from them.
-The Black Pearl in the bottle is impressive. Especially when Angelica open the wardobe that loaded with tons of bottle with ship. I like that part!
-Captain Jack Sparrow loves to disguise as someone else. In this one too!
-Captain Jack Sparrow loves to disguise as someone else. In this one too!
And good news, the script of POTC 5 is ald there. Johnny said that he need some rest before he can start again, and he say he will do the movie until the audience fed up with Captain Jack Sparrow ( How can we? ). So, this mean that we might able to see another trilogy of POTC. Cool!
I love the movie, it is not that impressive as they say but it's one good "Pirates" movie. I hope that they will consider to have more main pirates as antagonist like Blackbeard. I think the only disatisfying factor in On Stranger Tides will be lack of adventure, the zombified pirates and mermaid is not enough for the audience. We need something more like Davy Jones or some weird creatures. But the last part at the fountain of youth is good, the setting is really nice although the water drinking part is quite predictable.
(PS : When Barbossa serves as privateer for King George, he looks so abnormal.....I prefer him as a pirate, looks much better in the end.)